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#PlayEnergetic Bweets: R Reiss
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Very few political reporters have any idea how ideology works. This results in befuddled or superficial coverage that leaves readers confused or uninformed about key issues. Case in point: Elon Musk. and I wrote this in December 2022: ➡️
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Rapidly developing fire in the #Boulder Flatirons just west of town. I saw flames briefly. That’s the #NOAA building in the foreground. Conditions are horrific: temps near 100F, bone-dry west winds, and after the driest May-June on record here.
More news from the career-building site
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This is bad. Summers in Houston are generally hellish even when you can duck inside for a deep breath of cool refrigerated air. Lacking that possibility, they're even worse.
Power outages and dangerous heat advisories almost overlap in Texas right now
My sense of humor is returning after being steamed like a lobster yesterday.
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The mindboggling part of this article is that it does NOT mention climate change when talking about heat waves or hurricanes. Would it help explain the experiences described in Las Vegas, Houston, the Caribbean, AND Louisiana?
Las Vegas Heat Breaks Records and Stuns Even the A brutal heat wave that has gripped the West for days will shift eastward on the weekend, while much of sweltering Houston still lacks electricity.
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Kind of a low bar for the safest, most well-informed generation of political and economic decision makers in history
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Here's my favorite -- "we'll just move north, and take our wheat with us!" Oops (cued):
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Really interesting nugget in this paper - there are a lot of paths to decarbonize, with very different water footprints.
Reposting from the other place... Adrienne Marshall @hydro_adrienne: New review paper looking at hydroclimate risks to WestUS electric grid. Hoping this is useful for hydroclim researchers interested in impacts, and energy researchers interested in understanding hydroclim! no paywall:
Hydroclimate Risks to the Western US Electric Grid under a Warming
A weather story from the career-building site
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❌ “We are frustrated that Amazon leadership is misleading the public by distorting the truth about its renewable energy claims…the company is heavily investing in data center expansions fueled by West Virginian coal, Saudi Arabian oil, and Canadian fracked gas.” —Amazon Employees for Climate Justice
Amazon Says It Reached a Climate Goal Seven Years The company said it effectively got all of the electricity it used last year from sources that did not produce greenhouse gas emissions. Some experts have faulted the company’s calculations.
Safer with Willkie! Put it on a billboard, get to the polls. (New York Times endorsement from 1940, but FDR won anyway.)
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California will fail to reach its legally-required GHG reduction targets unless we reduce traffic by about a third. Fortunately, that is very, very possible to do: we just have to make our government actually want to do it.
Something big has happened over the past few decades in Paris & its suburbs: Car use has declined dramatically. Some key explanations: —Large reductions in car-centric street space —Vast investments in noncar transport modes I investigate
Hudson Valley air temperature achievement
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If you or someone you know can spare half an hour to help us make US energy data more accessible, we'd love to chat! 🔌💡
Hey #EnergySky & #ClimateSky we recently won an NSF POSE grant to help cultivate a more sustainable open source energy data ecosystem, and we're going to be doing a *bunch* of interviews with energy data users and open source contributors over the next month. 🔌💡 🧵 1/n
PUDL awarded NSF POSE grant - Catalyst We are excited to share that the Public Utility Data Liberation Project (PUDL) and Catalyst Cooperative have been awarded a Pathways to Open Source Ecosystems (POSE) Phase I grant by the National Scie...
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Current US temperatures 🥵
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Crop damages are non-linear Crops can tolerate heat up to a particular point, past that point the plant gets damaged then dies. Climate change is affecting what we can grow and where, with implications we can't really predict.
If you live in N. America, food you eat is probably grown in the orange “major heat risk” strip in California's Central Valley. The heat threatens crops, farmworkers & our entire food system. This is our planet at 1.2 degrees of warming yet California is STILL approving new oil wells. #ClimateSky 🔌💡
Had Sandy been at the start of hurricane season instead of the end, we could have had 10,000+ casualties in lower Manhattan from elderly people exposed to a heatwave for a week without power. NYC should begin a system of drills so people can have a plan, first
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Something big has happened over the past few decades in Paris & its suburbs: Car use has declined dramatically. Some key explanations: —Large reductions in car-centric street space —Vast investments in noncar transport modes I investigate
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For anyone who has read this thread this far, here at the end you can stare right into the sun. Play, a game developed after a book by Drew Pendergrass and Troy Vettese. It's a pretty accurate picture of upcoming decades, whether the politics is realistic or not.
Half-Earth Socialism: The Play as a planetary planner and decide what we should do about the climate, biodiversity, and human welfare. Can you bring the world safely to a better place?
Superb essay. We have to get our thoughts disciplined enough that we can successfully build on material written 50 years ago, not just repeat it.
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Over 2 million electric customers are without power in #Texas due to #HurricaneBeryl. [2024-07-08 9:20 AM CDT] #PowerOutage