
Watching the rich liberals around here driving their first-generation Teslas with pained grimaces like This is not who I am, I bought this to signal a different kind of thing
I do feel a little bad for the people stuck driving a Nazi's car because they wanted to be good environmentalists, but, well
I honestly feel pretty bad for my rabbi in this specific instance.
Musk trying to be the Henry Ford of EV but only achieving the "strike-breaking antisemitic weirdo" part.
This is what drives me crazy. There are other electric cars! You can drive an all-electric BMW, a true luxury automobile made by people who actually know how to make cars AND employ union labor! The choice is not Tesla or ICE!
My pet conspiracy theory is that Musk took a big payout from the oil companies to set back public adoption of EVs as everyday commuter vehicles by branding them as playthings for rich fuckheads
But buying a new one is a different set of costs to consider.
Not sure what you mean. Buying a BMW i3 vs. buying a Tesla? or buying an EV vs. buying an ICE vehicle?
If I bought a Tesla, say five years ago, replacing it is a significant investment.
The OP is talking about people who bought Teslas some time ago.
I saw one in San Francisco with a bumper sticker that said “I’m sorry, we didn’t know about Elon yet” 😂
Spotted this in my neighborhood the other day.
I was in the position to buy one of the early ones, and I didn't because I took the time to see what kind of person he was. I wish those people had taken that extra time
Yeah. It wasn’t particularly hidden, either. He just didn’t have as large a megaphone.
Lol He seems to appeal to a lot of the little man bros who want to follow a daer leader who they think is super smart 😂. It's like wanting to follow the orange one, but because of faux intelligence vs. faux mAsCuLiNe PoWeR lol
Gross 🤢🤢🤢 they both repulse me.
I realized just how fucking dumb he and Grimes were when they started Dating. Their Ying Yang combination validated the worst parts of their egos. "If I'm fucking a pop star I must be cool" "If this billionare Techbro reads the same wikipedia summaries as me I must be smart."
I like what Tesla did to the car industry, and what SpaceX is doing to the space industry, but I'm not crediting any of that to him, but despite him.
I don't think I like what Tesla is doing for the car industry. If you've actually driven one or seen one up close, they're kind of garbage. I have done both. The easiest way to see it is to look at the paneling. It's uneven all over the car. Everyone I've looked at looks like this. 😬
Nobody except a half-hearted attempt by Toyota was making electrical cars or hybrids. As soon as Tesla was taking market shares all of them jumped on the bandwagon. The car industry didn't look at panels, just market shares, but they did take a few wrong lessons as well from Tesla... >.>
The car industry (and others, like the appliance industry) is very much a "me too" industry. They don't do _anything_ new until someone else is starting to take market shares. Felt that a lot when I worked at GM...
"Everyone wants a big central screen and touch controls" is not the right lesson, i think.
I think your skepticism is warrented, Ishtar. FSD and AI is nowhere near it needs to be to be safe and useful. We are litteraly playing with fire here. A fairly known EV youtuber just had an incident with his Telsa, and he's probably cured from all the Tesla hype.
Well, Bosch, Volvo et al are keeping up with the pace but they don't make big promises of FSD :D
Live and learn I suppose lol It's bad enough you have to pay for repairs and all the other stuff for a car, but have to also pay for software? I hate to sound like Grandma, but I'm not happy with a lot of the modern world lol
Saw a Tesla yesterday with the bumper sticker "I bought this before we realized Elon was crazy"
"You're basically driving around in a big Red MAGA hat!" He is a very creepy rich guy that made himself richer off of other peoples ideas and then ruined them. Who thinks for a second that an environmentalists has 12 children and leaves them and their mothers when a new groupie comes along?
I was EV shopping seriously, had test driven a couple of Teslas in ‘23, & he started his bullshit. I ran from the dealership. I ended up with an EV I love, a Hyundai Ioniq5. The low end & mid-level Teslas are garbage. Battery powered Saturns. For 100K you can get a nice car from them
Eyyyy, ioniq 5 driver here, too. ♥️ I rode in a friend's Model 3 for a couple of days during a visit and it felt cheaply made with low quality materials, and the ride wasn't very smooth. Thankfully, he traded it and got a Mach E, which admittedly impressed me.
It's defintiely been coming for a while. Saw "NOT ELON" plates on a Tesla last summer.
The former People's Republic of Berkeley is now lousy with Teslas, which must signal a shift in...certain priorities. In LA's SGV where I live, Teslas are obvious status symbols for the wealthy first generation Asian immigrants who litter the streets with them. Different strokes...