
bit of an understatement
At this point I just assume anyone in a tesla is MAGA, especially the jerk who passed me on the shoulder yesterday
What's great is that he can only even ever get a tiny sliver of MAGA, because they think environmentalism is a plot against freedom and electric cars are feminizing
I’ve had this chart of the political alignments of car buyers saved since last year because it amuses me. I wonder how far that tiny little Tesla circle has drifted
*excuse me, the alt is incorrect. Liberal Tesla buyers actually had high voter turnout; the size of the Tesla circle reflects lower relative overall market share. People forget how propped up their value is. Still way more people buying little pickup trucks.
Is Honda on there? I’m looking for it (because they must have big market share) & can’t find it & I’m starting to wonder if I made up Honda or jumped timelines
Yes, in our timeline it’s called Handa ;) … I don’t see it either! Well damn. I really only clocked the Tesla and super right wing ones
(*whispers* I looked around & this timeline kinda sucks) I’m guessing Honda would look like Toyota but it’d be interesting if it was significantly different
I'm feeling like an outlier as a communist who's purchased a Volkswagen, Ford, Kia and Toyota
Well one of them is the People’s Car 🤷 heh
True. I won't apologize for the rest but will defend my Ford because it was a manual.
An none of the enviros who bought them early one will ever ever buy one again
But Musk hates trans people and MAGAs love him for it.
I heard a woman ask a cybertruck driver yesterday “who makes these?” and I long for that lack of awareness
I, too, wish to live in a cave under a rock covered by a steel dome in the moon
I think I read somewhere that the entire global slowdown in EV demand is all down to Tesla sales going off a cliff, because Elon
Can’t even sell a Tesla anymore because woke
Can't drive my Cybertruck any more. Because it broke.
Can’t even add more stochastic terrorism because already stoked
I’m sorry y’all. This one wasn’t very good … because woke 👉 😎 👉 \ eyooooo
I hate reading about politics, makes me wanna go do a line of coke.
and it broke both my legs because no crumple zones!
Does that mean that people who'd have bought Teslas buy ICE cars instead rather than another EV?
Or a hybrid instead Or figure they can get another year or two out of their current ICE vehicle
I was never going to buy one. I mean, I’m exactly the demo, I’ve driven EVs for 5 years, but: no. Every shitty decision the company has made traces back to an aspect of his personality so strongly that I figure if he makes that many bad decisions and is CEO, the cars are doomed.
I said this prior to his Twitter purchase but the companies that have been successful he was involved in had people who could essentially corral him correctly to keep his stupidity at bay enough for them to accomplish things. The more control he exerts on a company the worse they actually do.
a visionary
He invented the idea of rockets too 👍
It would be an impressive level of delusion if this wasn't exactly how so many of these companies are ran. If a guy lying and the ground and poorly playing League of Legends can woo individuals with money it is incredibly easy to push the genius narrative to the masses.
I remember thinking the same thing about SBF. Like why wasn’t I a con man? If that one kid from middle school who owned all the Magic cards can do it, so could I
… not to shit on Magic. I mean the kid who bought every new series and had them all in binders and wouldn’t let you touch them
It's the logical conclusion of "my uncle works at Nintendo and has played all the new Marios". These kinds of grifts are easy because the money people aren't looking for reasons why not, they're looking for an idea to sell. I'm with you though, I can easily not care to that degree.
Even before I found out what a complete moron Elmo was, I knew they were really badly built
Which is absolutely also a him thing. I read an early bio of him (not the Isaacson one) in which he talks about how they change suppliers all the time when they find a cheaper one, and I realized you’d need to know what day your car was assembled to know if it needs a recall. No thanks.
Back in the day, those in the know buying a new Detroit-built car would make sure it wasn't built on a Monday or a Friday, when workers were either recovering from the weekend or rushing to get out the door.
You'd also do your first oil change in the first week of ownership, after 100mi of driving, and watch the metal shavings THAT HAD NOT BEEN CLEANED OUT OF THE ENGINE BLOCK BEFORE ASSEMBLY drip out of the oil pan, regardless of build day. Thank goodness they finally started listening to Ed Deming.
I want an EV badly. Been renting them all the time for work trips. And I’ve tried teslas. They are the worst feeling EV on the market imo. Feels like I’m driving an SUV in the size of a small car
Thing looks like a cursed hybrid between a dumpster and a hotel ice machine
I plagiarized myself I knew I thought someone said that before. Must have been my other pole
“Yeah, sorry honey, I’m stuck in traffic behind a hotel ice machine”
If robocop were a vampire this would be his coffin-bed.
Imagine a vampire opens it up and people nearby scream "Goddamn raccoons!!"
Haha!! I was thinking of those recently and got the quote wrong. Love it