
Ppl are retweeting this and I just want to add that faxing is THE most annoying thing to do to your representatives. There are websites where you can fax for a small fee and those machines are LOUD and then at the very least they have to deal with all the print outs.
Being really annoying is praxis. Phone, email, fax, show up in person if that’s an option. Just don’t let up until you’re too irritating to ignore.
I have to see if I have the spare $ for the fax option but -annoying message gremlin- is definitely a small rewarding experience in an distopian hellscape and imagining endless faxes makes me smile evilly
These days there's Technology that just shunts faxes to an email account with no need for a physical fax machine, it's likely more effective to get on the telephone and use your human voice to talk to an underling (or fill up their voicemail) and/or send a written-on-paper letter
I deeply appreciate that advice and I understand the reason for it, but I also appreciate the non voice options for those of us who for physical or mental reasons can use an alternative way to be an pester-gremlin.