
Ppl are retweeting this and I just want to add that faxing is THE most annoying thing to do to your representatives. There are websites where you can fax for a small fee and those machines are LOUD and then at the very least they have to deal with all the print outs.
Being really annoying is praxis. Phone, email, fax, show up in person if that’s an option. Just don’t let up until you’re too irritating to ignore.
Barring that: letters are also tangible and have to be handled individually, and showing up in person they have to look in your eyes and turn you away. Maximize how annoying you can be, don’t limit it to just one medium.
If they don’t meet your ask you have to make them fucking hate you, that’s how democracy works
Psyching up to contact my reps.
Local government basically lives on this tenet.
I frequently drop off letters at my rep's, council member's and supervisor's offices.
District offices are generally close and have fewer staff; a semi-organized weekday lunch of likeminded friends could functionally jam one up for a few hours
Just keep in mind (and be prepared for the fact) that they can and will have you arrested if they decline to give you time and tell you to leave and you don't (which they can also involve the building manager to wash their hands of it since district offices are leased spaces).
"burning up their phones" clearly stopped working, so let's roll with fax.
I work on fax servers and one of the other things is, if those fax machines are used for anything else other than constituent complaints, if you send enough of them you could actually affect other things too.
Fax machines are like phones and when they get busy they don't just put the next fax in a queue, they send a return code forcing the sending machine to try again. Basically what I am getting at is faxing may be one of the most annoying things you can do to them
it's time to bring back the black fax (2024 pages edition)
What is the website for this
Where I work, incoming faxes arrive as PDF files dumped into an Outlook inbox where email from humans also arrives. Burn up the wires, crash the Exchange server(s) – all good fun!
If anyone has the HP Smart app with their printer, there’s a free fax option there. As I discovered when trying to figure out how to vote from overseas.
If you have a Windows PC you have fax capabilities already included for any application.
I also love faxing because it lets me annotate stuff, like if I send a Letter to the Editor complaining about my senator, I print it out and scrawl "I am talking about you in public" or whatever before sending
I faxed Ted Cruz incessantly until his machine finally went offline
Used to be a GREAT, annoying tactic of The Guerilla Girls! It absolutely WORKS
No kidding! I have an old softwood book full of their fax warfare!🤩😍🥰💙💙💙💙💙💙💙
I have to see if I have the spare $ for the fax option but -annoying message gremlin- is definitely a small rewarding experience in an distopian hellscape and imagining endless faxes makes me smile evilly
Some libraries will let you fax for free for a limited amount of pages :)
Good to know! I use resist bot a lot because -anxiety is fuuuuunnnn- but options are always good!
These days there's Technology that just shunts faxes to an email account with no need for a physical fax machine, it's likely more effective to get on the telephone and use your human voice to talk to an underling (or fill up their voicemail) and/or send a written-on-paper letter
I deeply appreciate that advice and I understand the reason for it, but I also appreciate the non voice options for those of us who for physical or mental reasons can use an alternative way to be an pester-gremlin.
Just want you to know I signed up for FaxBurner at the 14.99/mo rate bc of this and faxed the entire dem leadership + my rep and have an alarm set to send additional faxes to the entire list at 10:47 am every day
Mostly bc of the “annoying” part, really sold me 😈
You’re fucking cooking with gas
You can fax for free using an online tool, and bonus, it adds a pointless cover sheet with advertisements on it! Send a fax to anywhere in the U.S. or Canada for free.
Those all in one printers have a 3rd secret thing
If you have access to a physical fax machine a fun thing to do is to to tape two pieces of black paper together and send a constant stream of faxes on a loop.
This is one of the great activists pro-tips! FAX them till their offices are filled to the ceiling with paper.
Next best thing to a brick through the window.
Just FYI, a lot of modern printers are also faxes. It can be super easy to send many faxes. Check and see if this could work for you.
I've heard that white font on a solid black background will quickly use up their toner
If you have a valid email address and phone number, Fax Zero lets you send ~5 free faxes a day and has a list of US representatives who have fax machines. Send a fax to anywhere in the U.S. or Canada for free.
wow, that's a great idea, I'm just reading this few hours too late to use it in the french current elections.
People underestimate how effective being annoying is. At one of my old jobs I'd get quotes back from estimators so much faster once I automated pestering them for follow-ups.
Thank you for reminding me that: a) I have a dongle that my ISP sent to use with a landline phone. b) my printer / scanner is also a FAX MACHINE. Adding every district office for my senators to the address book now and loading the document feeder. I M P E A C H T H E C O U R T
Oh no, I can't find out how turn off the fax noises on my end!
This is a good tip for the future! I hate voice calling. If there's a way to annoy them even MORE without the awkwardness I'm gonna do it.
should I just web search "send a fax" ? related - was watching sex and the city w/ my girlfriend and there was a big neon "FAX" sign in a store window - like nowadays they have print or like Amazon return. Makes sense ,ppl had to send faxes but didn't have a machine.
If you actually *have* a fax machine, print out a 4-page statement to your representative. Tape all four pages together and add a strip of tape to the back of the last page. Start the fax, and before the last page goes through, tape the first to the last. Endless loop fax.
If you're old laptop has a modem, it can probably fax. In Windows it shows up as a printer. You can even specify a cover page! A ridiculous cover page will double the amount of annoyance.
Offices of electeds are very good at shielding the “annoying” from the principal. The incoming communications are handled by the lowest level staffers and interns. The fax machine is in a closet. Physically showing up is much harder to ignore.
Do we know they go to a fax machine any more? Some offices I used to work with just received faxes as image files in email.