Mors Rattus

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Mors Rattus

Game writer, librarian, religious studies. He/him. Autistic, Jewish, ace.
dear friends in discord: please actually read what i say when i say i find a character annoying for entirely non-in-character reasons, i do not find him a piece of shit, i hate that he kills my ability to control text speed regularly
someone gotta explain to me why syncope is a word we use for fainting and also the root word of syncopation, the musical term
you ever think about how the goblin mafia would be the moblins
Chinggis Khan, amazing wife guy we don't talk about how much he was a wife guy not for all his wives, mostly Borte, but also kind of for all his wives
releasing the slavery post to dead silence and being like 'so is this offputting in the right way or the wrong way, i don't know how to read this' like i knew it was gonna be offputting, but it had to be written
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some interesting numbers entering tonight's debate: 38% 33% 77% (+/- 3 points) 18% among likely voters and unlikely voters 31% among likely voters AND unlikely voters 54% among those surveyed (margin of error: %, source: 87%)
Avatar So, I'm still working on a fashion post - it's gonna take a while because I have so much to write about hats still. That post is going to be big. But this post is on slavery. So, content warning: slavery. It's bronze age-style slavery, not American chattel slavery, but
Pentan Cultural Overview - (content warnings: bronze age slavery)
weird ipad fact: it will correct "canadian app store" to "Canadian App Store" but "the canadian app store" to "the Canadian app store"
i gotta say, i really do not like the degree of fan worship that exists around victor von doom
Reposted byAvatar Mors Rattus
It rules that Yiddish has a suffix you can throw on the end of a noun just to show that somebody is kind of a dick
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Reposted byAvatar Mors Rattus
Gwenna, Eyes of Gaea #PrideMonth (This wasn't originally a pride month card but I couldn't resist with this name.)
took fucking long enough, this is literally the easiest slam dunk of an ad ever
President Biden’s campaign on Monday began its most aggressive effort to accurately describe Donald Trump a felon after largely avoiding the subject by introducing a new TV ad that focuses on Trump's criminal conviction.
Biden Campaign Factually Describes Trump as a Convicted Democrats have been urging the president to more forcefully attack Donald Trump after his felony conviction by a New York jury.
The best sports movie is A Knight’s Tale and you should watch it
I tried to watch Acolyte with my girlfriend this weekend, as she assured me it did not require prior Star Wars knowledge and was an entirely different era, meaning my general lack of interest in Star Wars would not leave me confused and annoyed. She was correct, in a sense!
Reposted byAvatar Mors Rattus
bad, bad leroy brown baddest man in the whole damn town badder than ol' king kong meaner than a junkyard dog this is going to be in my head on loop for like three days
it is a crime against me personally that i am unable to regularly and easily buy meat buns as a snack
okay, so next post, talking about life and growing up in Pent. Also horses, the two are kind of intertwined. after that?? should probably talk about daily life and food maybe?
Avatar An overview of the Pentans! We begin with a grasp on who they were, but no longer are: the Ancestral Peoples, five different groups that came together in the Great Darkness and became Pent. This is for my Glorantha TTRPG project, Secret History of the Horse Sun.
Pentan Cultural Overview - The Ancestral The majority of humans in the Pentan plains are Pentans. A small minority of non-riders, called Half-Men by the Pentans, also live in the plains, largely in river farming villages around the Arcos, El...
Reposted byAvatar Mors Rattus
Well this looks absolutely fascinating.
Thrilled to share that Religion in the Roman Empire 10.1, “Religion at Work: Jewish and Christian Experiences of Labour in the Roman World,” has been published and is fully open-access! Please check out these terrific contributions and share widely!
so now i have to decide where to start on describing Pentan society and culture.
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Me: AI assistant, decline meetings AI: meetingae, meetingās, meetingārum, meetingīs
slowly coming to realize that my musical tastes congealed in a way where i am perpetually swinging between 'metalhead' and 'dad in the 90s'