Mors Rattus

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Mors Rattus

Game writer, librarian, religious studies. He/him. Autistic, Jewish, ace.
Mongolia has always been peak fashion
1999 Chapter 6 update: as it turns out, electroshock therapy and Freudian psychoanalysis can both be bad at their jobs! also, ww1 as a threat is enough to break a lot of people shown the future
oh hey i forgot about war and the rules of war. that is going to need a post as well for Pent. okay, not quite as close to done with the cultural overview as i thought
Avatar Today's Pent post is about the Khuruldan, a practice of multiple tribes coming together. It is usually used as a way to maintain alliances, but is also called when disaster threatens and a hero's power is needed. For my TTRPG project, Secret History of the Horse Sun
Pentan Cultural Overview - The A Khuruldan is a gathering of tribes and monastic communities, always a time of festivities and ritual importance. There are two different reasons why a Khuruldan may be held, and it differs from othe...
i also think it should be mandatory for people who don't like me to give me money for no reason
i'm gonna need some proof i'm not talking to some kind of art scam bot before i even consider that, i think
I mean I am always happy to talk about my project if you’ve got questions, but I do want to be clear, I’m in no financial position to commission art right now
Not at the moment, but in the future I will need to commission artists drawing Pentans, and hats are an important part of their cultural costume. Specifically I am drawing on classic and imperial Mongolian hats because I have a book I can take example pictures when talking to artists
love it when the person i am supposed to go to for assistance with problems in a work process does not understand that process
oh god the email name meetings continue today
i only have three more Pentan Cultural Overview posts left, I think - fashion, hero contests/the khuruldan, and an overview of the different peoples around them and their perspective on those peoples. then i can move on to writing up some of those groups. fashion is the hardest and slowest one left
mostly because i have to actually use a book and attempt to describe hats
when this all becomes a book/pdf i am also going to have to commission an artist to draw those hats on people because I don't have rights to the photos I am currently using.
...officar? the fuck is an officar, GW
one of the worst and most painful office experiences of fremdschamen i have ever had is right now listening to my bosses debate what an email address should be
not, like, philosophically they are having a long and drawn out meeting over what to name an email address
Avatar - Rivalry is a form of love. Hatred is a rare and terrible thing. What lies in between is the majority of enemies - people you dislike but neither obsess over nor seek the total destruction of. For my Glorantha TTRPG project, Secret History of the Horse Sun.
Pentan Cultural Overview - Love and Pentan conception of love, rivalry and hate is somewhat complicated, and it colors even the interactions of the gods. To understand it is most easily done by dividing relationships into different type...
dear friends in discord: please actually read what i say when i say i find a character annoying for entirely non-in-character reasons, i do not find him a piece of shit, i hate that he kills my ability to control text speed regularly
someone gotta explain to me why syncope is a word we use for fainting and also the root word of syncopation, the musical term
of course not, it is an insulting name laid upon them by la cosa gnomstra
you ever think about how the goblin mafia would be the moblins
Chinggis Khan, amazing wife guy we don't talk about how much he was a wife guy not for all his wives, mostly Borte, but also kind of for all his wives
It’s not easy because like, I want it to be cultural problem but also I want people to want to play Pentans
releasing the slavery post to dead silence and being like 'so is this offputting in the right way or the wrong way, i don't know how to read this' like i knew it was gonna be offputting, but it had to be written
Reposted byAvatar Mors Rattus
some interesting numbers entering tonight's debate: 38% 33% 77% (+/- 3 points) 18% among likely voters and unlikely voters 31% among likely voters AND unlikely voters 54% among those surveyed (margin of error: %, source: 87%)
Avatar So, I'm still working on a fashion post - it's gonna take a while because I have so much to write about hats still. That post is going to be big. But this post is on slavery. So, content warning: slavery. It's bronze age-style slavery, not American chattel slavery, but
Pentan Cultural Overview - (content warnings: bronze age slavery)
An important note: future material is going to include a Sheng Seleris-tied abolitionist movement fueled by the Jolaty cult teachings.