
If you feel like life could be more exciting, then just do what I do: Add a scene to both of your novels in which the main character has a bad shroom/LSD trip, and include a threesome sex scene involving a trans woman. Do this while knowing full well your parents are going to read these books.
goooooooooood morning campers and welcome to trash tuesday. just like a comet it’s here now and who knows when it’ll be back again so give it all you got show me those brain worms and let’s have some fun
Writing Friend: If you need the research, I have a website where people share their experiences on various drugs. Me, Who Has Never Done a Drug Ever: ... Sure. Might be helpful.
I just remembered that I actually have a THIRD story I placed on the backburner in which the main character (a scam artist pretending to be a vicar in a British village) accidentally gets high on shrooms and I'M NOT GOING TO TRY AND ANALYZE WHY I HAVE SO MANY.