Mortimer Langford

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Mortimer Langford

34 year old recovering Scorpio. Married. Author. IT guy. Unwilling disciple of chaos.

Buy my damn book:

Learning Portuguese? Here you go:
I think I’ve come up with a plan
remake a movie with shrek and make it better Shreknado
remake a movie with shrek and make it better Reservoir Shreks
Thinking about how this was the funniest shit ever
JK Rowling is so deeply transphobic that even Elon Musk is telling her to lighten up a bit 🫠
Your honor, legislate deez nuts.
Your honor, with all due respect, I don't give a damn about my bad reputation.
Go into your photo roll or whatever and post the first image that makes you laugh literally out loud.
Go into your photo roll or whatever and post the first image that makes you laugh literally out loud.
good news everyone. ive found a job im really passionate about and i start next week. i will be killing people for Boeing
My parents have read my cyberpunk novel that features a sex scene. I don't know why they still love me.
Realistic petplay where you have to spray me with the water bottle because I won't stop chasing the cat around even when she darts under the bed
Realistic petplay where you collect lots of rings and colored vials and are a hedgehog and throw me around in a funny playground thats themed lime hell
if i really wanted to watch two old men argue I'd watch these guys
I'm not going to waste my time watching the seniors argue on TV. However, there are two outcomes that I feel would be beneficial for this country: Either some form of heart attack/stumble, or the two choking each other in since kind of cantankerous old man fight.
My "Billie Jean is not my lover" song is raising a lot of questions already answered by my "Billie Jean is not my lover" song
capitalism truly does breed innovation. for example: using the power of capitalism, the supreme court has innovated new and exciting forms of corruption
Oh, is it a day that ends in "y" again? The "y" stands for "y the fuck can't things get better?!?"
Happy Dissociation From Current Events Day to all who celebrate!!!
who needs coffee when you can begin your day by stepping barefoot on a thistle?
Every Castlevania save file I have is titled "Buttpire" ("I vant to suck your butt!"). I give my pokemon upsetting names like "Zap Bitch" and my wife chastises me whenever I name my RPG character "Mr. Bitches" or "Fuckwit." The world is falling apart. Normalize being silly geese with our escapism.
I have no restraint whenever a game lets me name stuff. It's where my dirtiest sense of humor shines. Nothing like playing a city builder and some npc comes up and says "Buttstuff is looking better and better every day!" Squeenix characters like "stanky queef," naming link "fa****," stuff like that
If you feel like life could be more exciting, then just do what I do: Add a scene to both of your novels in which the main character has a bad shroom/LSD trip, and include a threesome sex scene involving a trans woman. Do this while knowing full well your parents are going to read these books.
goooooooooood morning campers and welcome to trash tuesday. just like a comet it’s here now and who knows when it’ll be back again so give it all you got show me those brain worms and let’s have some fun
OK, so how long will it be before I'm inundated with jokes about Nancy Reagan knowing how to "HWUAK TUEH!"?
Me and my wife saw you from across the bar and she was wondering if you'd like to play a game...
POV: You're laying in bed, ready to go to sleep, but you have psychophisiological insomnia.
Hey, is this why people are starting to get quiet about Rafah?
Discworld QOTD, from Monstrous Regiment “Stopping a battle is much harder than starting it. Starting it only requires you to shout ‘Attack!’ but when you want to stop it, everyone is busy.”
Replacing everything with AI is the dumbest thing companies can do because they never work the way people want, they're far too difficult to understand, and companies are too eager to use them as an excuse to cut jobs. We need to stop them from cutting corners and wasting money on this bullshit.
What’s the most boomer complaint you have?
Make a band milder: Chastise Against the Machine
Make a band milder: They Might Be Tall
Sometimes I get paranoid about my writing because while I'm good at dialog, I'm not so good at descriptions and poetic prose. But then I see stuff like this and I give myself some slack for being better than I give myself credit for.
That’s . . . a lot of metaphors.
I love stupidly niche, convoluted memes that require 2 hours of explanation