
Every Castlevania save file I have is titled "Buttpire" ("I vant to suck your butt!"). I give my pokemon upsetting names like "Zap Bitch" and my wife chastises me whenever I name my RPG character "Mr. Bitches" or "Fuckwit." The world is falling apart. Normalize being silly geese with our escapism.
I have no restraint whenever a game lets me name stuff. It's where my dirtiest sense of humor shines. Nothing like playing a city builder and some npc comes up and says "Buttstuff is looking better and better every day!" Squeenix characters like "stanky queef," naming link "fa****," stuff like that
Pokemon X does not allow you to name your character "Slaver". I'll let you figure out why. I just name my pokemon what they look like/inspire. Pidgey is "Pigeon", Ratata is "Rat", Golden is "Useless", Muk is "Sludge", and the fire wrestling cat from Sun/Moon is "Hot Pussy".