
SCOTUS wants to take on every single regulatory lawsuit even though they're already so overworked it takes them months to decide even the easy cases like "should president's be free to attempt coups". Clearly they are going to need more justices to keep up with the new workload.
This is the way to sell court packing. We need more judges. Not just in SCOTUS, at every level. There aren't enough of them, and it jeopardizes the right to a speedy trial and makes our system less efficient.
13 appellate courts sending cases to SCotUS, ergo 13 justices
A clear solution is reform of the judiciary to create a Regulatory Appeals Court attached to every circuit with explicit requirements that judges appointed to this branch must be subject matter experts on the fields they would be ruling then Biden stocking it with 25 year old policy nerds.
They don’t even have to be lawyers. Just move the regulators from the agencies over. Then have Congress remove appellate power over these new courts from SCOTUS.
For real if SCOTUS has to judge FDA and Clean air stuff Biden should appoint a bunch of non lawyer, other experts in those areas to SCOTUS asap
I think six or eighteen new Justices should be enough.
A suit, an injunction, and then crickets is a great way to kill the courts as anything other than a tool of state control. Too busy to ever get to trial, but the judges always say that the money gets to keep on keeping on/the victims need to be patient until the case is decided.