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Leaving aside the journalists who are actual conservative activists (not insignificant), there's a lot of abuse-abuser dynamics here, with many "neutral" journalists taking on the role of enabler where they try to figure out what Dems have done to justify the abusive behavior from Republicans
It’s such a tell that one candidate is allowed to be old with his brains leaking out while the other is subjected to a weeks long whisper campaign to knee cap him out of the race because of a bad debate performance. Almost like there’s no principle at work beyond attacking Democrats.
Can we say the obvious? Trump is a deranged freak who is using the sickest theocratic freaks alive to enact revenge on everyone who isn’t a slimy, rich date raping suck up or their wives. In comparison to anyone, he is mentally unfit and only has supporters who want to do mentally unfit things.
fucking grown ass men and women with better educations and better salaries than me letting AG sulzberger point at phantoms and make them scream and cry like schoolgirls, that guy’s a fourth generation failson, he doesn’t even know how to count change
Something I don’t say enough - #FuckJamesComey
Anyway, take this as today’s reminder that the best protection against this business model is confiscatory top marginal tax rates on income AND capital gains. You might not be able to legislate morality, but you can tax the shit out of exploitative business models.
Rebranding the magic 8 ball as the AI Ball and making a billion dollars
I personally want to congratulate Donald Trump for finally winning a popular vote
Permit me a moment of skepticism for the notion that the same people who use free speech as a pretext to suppress students protesting bigotry and now use anti-bigotry as a pretext for suppressing students protesting genocide care about either free speech or fighting bigotry.
The main use of generative AI, the only significant one, is to look close enough like it's doing something useful to devalue the labor of people who can actually do the thing. It's a scam and an anti-labor bargaining tactic.
Some men never forgive their mothers for being a woman who ever had authority over them, and some make it everyone else's problem.
It shouldn't be more profitable to destroy art than to give it to the world.
Long-term, sustainable solutions to COVID: ➡️ Develop next-gen/nasal vaccines that greatly reduce transmission ➡️ Normalize masking and make respirators free ➡️ Regulate indoor air quality ➡️ Develop effective treatments for Long COVID ➡️ Make healthcare free and guarantee paid sick leave
“Bolsters strategy”: Voters are unlikely to see Trump face any legal consequences for trying to overthrow the government and install himself as a dictator for life before the election thanks to the corrupt, unqualified gaggle of sex pests and theocrats he installed on the Supreme Court
I am yet again begging Disney to let me showrun a Monsterpiece Theater revival where each episode is directed by a different auteur so we can finally have Jordan Peele’s Muppet Frankenstein or Greta Gerwig’s Pork and Prejudice
The real question is which Shakespeare play needs an all-Muppet cast, and that answer is Henry V, because who can forget Kermit's stirring delivery of the St. Crispian's Day speech?
End of feed.