
In all seriousness: this is another reason I care so much about what we did last week. While the internet at large was on fire, my online community was thriving and coming together and feeling hope & joy. And yes, the happy/baffled email from VoteRiders this morning was great... but so was that.
No, seriously, tho: funny typos aside, this election cycle is destroying online (at least) communities and undermining trust and goodwill among potential coalition partners in a way that will make WHATEVER comes after November so much harder to get through, and i just… fucking hate this.
(no matter how often you tell non-profits or convention hotels or bars or the person in charge of the 32auctions server that Romancelandia is coming... no one is ever prepared 🤣)
And here is my obligatory reminder that if you want more things to do, the other half of the one-two Romancelandia democracy punch is still coming when our friends at start phone-banking. Sign up. Romance readers/writers are fun to do democracy with!
Fated States — Fated Mates