
It’s Saturday, and now that we’ve had a few days to reflect on the “debate” it’s clear that it turned out to be not much more than yet another opportunity for tRvmp to spread his LIES! Here Troy Matthews of the #MeidasTouchNetwork lists just 50 of them! 50! Fifty😳
A Complete List of All of Trump's Debate Trump lied 50 times during the debate, 16 more lies than his felony convictions
It’s gobsmacking to think that any, and I mean ANY, thinking, even marginally informed US citizen could actually BELIEVE all the LIES that tRvmp tells and particularly the torrent of LIES that came out of his shithole during Thursday’s “debate”!
Correcting Trump’s Unanswered Debate Biden couldn’t fact-check his opponent in real time. But Trump’s torrent of bullshit needs to be shown for what it was.
Luckily, a lot of media outlets, not only left leaning ones, took the time to #FactCheck the two candidates after the “debate”. I’m going to thread a few of them here and I hope you’ll read… and share them with anyone who might be interested! They’re all CK Approved! 😎🌻🇺🇦
Fact checks were prevalent during and after the Biden-Trump debate — but not for real-time Those with an interest can find several exhaustive, independent fact checks of claims made by Joe Biden and Donald Trump during their televised debate on Thursday night.
But aside from the simple FACT that during the “debate” he told upwards of 50 LIES, it’s also the nature of those Lies that makes them so egregious. And as Ms. Magazine warns, watch what he and Republicans DO, because it speaks much louder than what they SAY!
Trump’s Lies About Abortion in America Were Particularly Appalling - Ms. Trump lied about abortion during Thursday's debate. He claimed “all legal scholars” wanted Roe overturned, and Democrats kill newborns.
The only time he looked down or seemed humble is when Joe said pron star and felon.
And my 3 questions:
You will need to ask Also – Tapper and Bash. I have questions: 1. Where was the fact checking? 2. Why were they both muted, too? 3. Why did they keep thanking Grump with "Thank you, Mr. President" but Biden with "Thank you"?
tRvmp’s LIES about immigration were perhaps the most heinous. And the vigor and bitterness with which he spit them out was literally Hitleresque! But this trope I find particularly egregious/racist, that the migrants steal “Black jobs”. There are even Black’s who buy into it so yeah, Repubs know…
Those who hope for "jobs" with him... But it's the same here in Europe: the fascists are pushing the narrative of "migration problem" when actually things are getting better and better organised. And it was a conservative (!) mayor who bashed them and the media for pushing the narrative:
Daniel Dale & CNN can F _ _ _ All the Way Off.
Post debate fact checks are now meaningless.
They are if no one reads them! 🤷‍♂️ But, just as they did with Hillary, the media, also here in Europe has set the narrative; which is “Biden’s too old to be President” oh but who cares if that other guy’s a Nazi!
I can't even read the whole list. I am so sick of trump, his lies, and the political party that supports and enables him! #VoteAllRepublicansOutOfOffice for a better world!!
What really bothers me is that, his cult doesn't know they are lies.