Franklin Souze

Franklin Souze

Former Republican fully recovered since 2015-Never Trumper charter member -Dog- Cat Animal supporter- Proud father to two incredible daughters- Glory To Ukraine,Warriors, Leaders & Supporters-There are many times I prefer the company of animals to people
Reposted by Franklin Souze
Don't believe me? What about Liz Chaney. I don't quote #Republicans often, but the obvious threat to #democracy only becomes more apparent every single day!
Reposted by Franklin Souze
Noel Casler 🧵3/3 Doesn’t hurt that JD is a spurious opportunist with no moral center & a fascists disposition. Vote Blue.
Reposted by Franklin Souze
POTUS: “I’m going to need your help on the Supreme Court, because I’m about to come out — I don’t want to prematurely announce it — but I’m about to come out with a major initiative on limiting the court. … I’ve been working w/constitutional scholars for the last 4 months, and I need some help."
Reposted by Franklin Souze
Reposted by Franklin Souze
Reposted by Franklin Souze
Reposted by Franklin Souze
Reposted by Franklin Souze
Harassing someone with threats until they leave and then publicly celebrating that result is, in fact, “bullying” and anyone who disagrees can fucking block me or I’ll block them. There’s no level of victimization or abuse that justifies victimization or abuse.
Reposted by Franklin Souze
Lincoln Project Cynical. Fraud. Phoney. Trump's VP pick JD Vance is all of the above. But where does he stand on key issues? He's as extreme MAGA as they come.
Reposted by Franklin Souze
Reposted by Franklin Souze
6/24 rally in NV, TFG said, "I don't care about you, I just want your vote.” Rally victim’s wife, Helen Comperatore, said she hasn’t heard from TFG -welp he DGAF. Biden tried to talk to her & she refused. ‘My husband was a devout Republican & he would not have wanted me to talk to him.’ Cultist.
Reposted by Franklin Souze
I'm voting to re-elect President #Biden and Vice President #Harris. Will you join me?
Reposted by Franklin Souze
Reposted by Franklin Souze
I know it’s crazy right now, but DO NOT LET PROJECT 2025 FALL OFF THE FACE OF THE EARTH. Keep taking about it.
Reposted by Franklin Souze
Schlump has been a violent asshole for decades. In NYC, we knew he was a rapist (before Carroll) & about his psycho fantasies. In all these years, making civilized people want to puke, he's yet to be held accountable. Why is this race even close? Seems about half of America is horribly fucked up.
Trump has been inciting violence for years.
Reposted by Franklin Souze
Compliments of Guy Fawkes News Soon...
Reposted by Franklin Souze
Reposted by Franklin Souze
Ricky Davila: “As you can see, President Biden has no fucks to give and is fully ready for the state media jabs. He has no time for their bullshit. That’s who I’m voting for. 💙👊”
Reposted by Franklin Souze
Reposted by Franklin Souze
Reposted by Franklin Souze
The media normalizing a fucking convicted felon, adjudicated rapist, treasonous, wannabe dictator as a legitimate candidate for President Of The United is sick as fuck.
Reposted by Franklin Souze
Reposted by Franklin Souze
Trump is a monster…and he will continue to be a monster. Do not be fooled.
Reposted by Franklin Souze
Reposted by Franklin Souze
Can a reporter please ask him what the plan is to "make Roe the law of the land"? If he can do it then, why can't he do it now? Either it's impossible or he's choosing to hold off. (In reality, these 100 day plans are only values, things that he'll do *if* he also has 67 senators and the House.)
In Detroit, #Biden announces his plans for first 100 days: - Make Roe law of the land - Sign John Lewis Voting Rights Act - Expand Social Security and Medicare - End medical debt - Raise federal minimum wage - Renew ban on assault weapons - Make child tax cut permanent
Reposted by Franklin Souze
Biden said. “But I’m only 3 years older than Trump, # 1. And # 2, my mental acuity has been pretty damn good. I’ve gotten more done than any president has in a long time in 3.5 years. I’m willing to be judged on that” Biden defends call to stay in race, says his mental acuity is 'pretty damn good'
Biden says his 'mental acuity has been pretty damn good' in defending his decision to stay in the Biden sat for an interview with NBC News anchor Lester Holt that was scheduled as he sought to push back calls for him to exit the race.
Reposted by Franklin Souze
Good news: Mexico and Iceland have brand new women presidents and both are climate hawks! No surprise, since research consistently shows women leaders are more likely to support climate action, clean energy, and sustainability. More please!
To fight climate change, more female leaders are The EIB Climate Survey asks whether the fight against climate change would be more effective if we had more female leaders. Women think so. Many men disagree.
Reposted by Franklin Souze
The best assessment & full interpretation on Proj 25 / Proj 47 I have read was produced by Joyce Alene Vance on her "Civil Discourse" newsletter available for download & printout off Substack - A powerful presentation well worth the time investment
Reposted by Franklin Souze
Reposted by Franklin Souze
🐝 “Bee” 🐝‬ ‪ I spent the better part of my professional career as a US Sailor and Soldier. I served the People and Constitution of The US until my health would no longer permit me to do so. My service during Gulf War I is likely, but not officially, the root cause of my disabilities.
(2 of 2) I would do it all again if I could. I served under both Dem and Rep POTUS’s. Until now, with Trump and JD Vance, I was NEVER concerned about a potential POTUS’S desire to “uphold and defend the Constitution of the US.” Again…until Now! Please, Keep this in mind when Voting. End