
I hate this shit so much and I refuse to play the “city dwellers must always be humble and servile to their noble country lords” game that too many Americans still buy into.
I am very tired of the way the GOP can say the absolute vilest things imaginable about cities but doing anything other than singing the praises of rural communities is politics suicide.
Problem: A lot of rural people think they can starve the cities into submission. I hate to say this but, until we figure out how to synthesize everyone, we're kinda at their mercy.
They’re mostly corn & soy farmers, sucking the USDA tit. They’ll shrivel up & die without their crop insurance and federally subsidized loans. They’re the biggest welfare cheats on this planet, usually to the tune of 7 or 8 figures annually. And every penny of that is blue state, blue city income.
A huge proportion of our arable farmland is left fallow while the "farm" corporations who own them gobble up all the subsidies and tax breaks they can without actually producing anything. It's a good grift if you can get into it. 🙃