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Artist, digital and ink illustrations. I like machines, anime, national parks, nerd culture, metal, and beer.
Awful 'prick' ly on the Internet lately. Listen up you little pin heads, even Roses and Cacti need to blossom every year. Drink some water, grow, and bloom. You uptight little weirdos.
It's never a good time when the universe reminds me that I can never have anything nice. This happens often. So most times for me are bad times.
Science fiction is all about a Great Forgetting age where records are lost etc and sometimes it's natural disaster and sometimes it's revolutionary action but in our world it's apparently for tax write-offs
The family car when I was very young was a blue Dodge Aspen wagon with the wood grain. I also remember an orange Pinto wagon. We than got a Caprice Classic Wagon. My dad liked wagons.
It's mid year so the Fiscal year is ending. Things are insanely busy for the work I do and I'm still flying without an ASM temporarily. It's tough because I know I'm overlooking things and the departments I'm serving are the ones reminding me, I'm very glad for their patience and understanding.
I went to the Ogden George S. Eccles Dinosaur park a few days back. Highlights, This seagull, a party animal, and some outdated Ice Age Mammals.
Sleep is a legend, a myth. Each morning is too early, each night is too late.
Loud and angry " I don't give a f*ck what you say about me." Or "I don't care about this but..." Folks ABSOLUTELY care about it. If they truly did not feel bothered they would not be upset enough to post an unhinged diatribe in the comments section. If you truly "couldn't care." Don't interact.
Just a Towel Day post today, Don't Panic my friends.
My niece made a friend today, Zebra Jumping spider. #spider
I need terrible things to start happening to terrible people and I don't like that I have to think like this.
alito’s rulings make so much more sense when you realize he’s using them to shitpost about a bumper sticker his wife once briefly saw on a car lingering uncomfortably close to the country club parking lot
1 doctors office, 2 hospitals and literally like 8 hours. That's how long my dad has waited from tests to IV for infusion... for low blood iron. I hate to say it but it feels like that could be a record (Good or bad? You decide.) Meanwhile I keep calling my father a vampire
I was thinking the about black mage from FFXIV and Orko from He-man. I really like this sort of design. Just a quick doodle of a little guy. #art #illustation
Oh so when *I* say RFK jr has brain worms, it’s a “mean joke.” But when *RFK jr* says he has brain worms, it’s a “New York Times article.”
Ah there we go, Goard is back in control. Get outta here Samsung!
Work stuff. Those who know, will know. Zenith Carburetor. Casting # BR4-53C-RP. I love finding parts for old junk. /s
Humans finally learn the tricks to FTL travel. 'All of the Diaspora!' The rest of the Universe. "UNIVERSE IS FULL, GO HOME!"
This is such embarrassing dweeb shit, good lord. And not even remotely smart. This is the kind of dork bullshit someone comes up with while doodling in their notes in fifth grade
All the Columbia University President had to do was ignore a hundred leftist students in tents for, like, three more weeks. And ignoring leftist students is something that University Presidents are collectively *great* at.
Porn but the audio is replaced with Minecraft sound effects.
Last 4 characters saved in your phone are your DnD party.
Last 4 characters saved in your phone are your DnD party.
Giving me this ability was entirely a mistake. My second language is weird and awkward GIFs.
Another art post from a short time ago before I joined here. I am kind enamored by the idea of a Komodo Dragon who is also just a dude with a job. Like he answers calls and sends emails but also will eat a whole live chicken. Here he is commuting. #art #illustration #inkart
in a country founded directly on "no kings, fuck kings in particular" it is beyond insulting that supposed "originalist" judges are taking seriously the proposition that the President is in fact a king
like I'm sorry these people are the ones who spend all their time talking about how the inviolable intent of the founders is the only thing that matters there aren't a lot of things that the founders agreed on but "fuck kings" was about as close a consensus position as you could find!