Dylan Keeling

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Dylan Keeling


I write, have made movies, and can play music. I prefer teaching piano to playing it for a living, though.

Current WIP: The Dragon Racket, an urban caper heist about illegal dragon trafficking..5/6 revised
Gonna avoid politics and hide in the B flat major Partita for a moment
What I really can't stand about lab is: as someone born in 1978, this is the 1st UK election I've seen where they would not lose by actually tacking left for once and they're still tacking right. They could have hoovered up votes from lib dem and grn, why didn't they?
I hate living in a constituency where polls keep putting lab almost neck and neck with fucking Ferorm UK!! Means I feel obliged to vote lab against my heart
Just watched Tideland (2005) for the first time since it came out, and after 20 years or so it is still amazing, better than I remembered. Reminds me how good movies used to be before all that fucking superhero shit ruined everything
I can't believe we finally destroyed Notre Fucking Dame and now a few arseholes are just... rebuilding it?!??!? Wtf
I feel like there's still interesting stuff on twitter but I only get actual human responses here
I posted this on twitter and then remembered only bots will see it: Not enough ppl know Left/Right politics came from French national assembly debates after the 1789 revlutn, and even fewer people know that the freeing of the "negro slaves" was suggested at the same time archive.org/details/histor…
Struggling to find a will to write when my will to live is so low. No idea why I'm posting this
Months ago I had a go at a large language model (might've been chatgtp, I neither know nor care). I asked it when Marie Antoinette was beheaded and it gave me a date in 1793, I said it was wrong and it "corrected" to a different date. Why the fuck would I want that service?
If I was a microplastic I would just stop entering penises 🤷
Sharing cos I love the phrase cascade failure of state power
Most revolutions (successful and failed alike) I can think of were not really planned events but more a cascade failure of state power, unpredictable by their very nature.
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With hindsight, it's obvious the entirety of social media was embryonically already right there in the hamster dance page
These are weak tho, it's funny at my age to go Oh I Came Up And That Was It 🙂
Ffs why am I on shrooms again 🙄
I get such joy from the creativity of other people. If I become a billionaire I'd want everybody to eat well and make whatever art they feel like making. I don't think that's the kind of attitude that makes you rich tho
This new Reservoir Dogs remake looks fucking shit
Someone should tell sharks about camels, they would love that shit
I was shocked that the Dems went Tory instead of lab in 2010 but when Tories won 2015 I posted "that's it then, the economy is FUCKED now. Only downhill from here" and a Tory-voting mate disagreed. The tiny upside of the last 9 yrs has been reposting it to him throughout the decade, going "see??!?"
if everything is politics and i hate politics, the conclusion must be that i hate everything :(
argh i got wound up listening to talk radio again
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I heard artist can have shares on their birthday, as a treat ✨ #art #illustration
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One of the things I really like about bluesky is that there’s a collection of horrible people who have prominent media positions who I felt like it was important to pay attention to. It turns out they were not.
I don't make dad jokes, these are CAT dad jokes, compltly diff
As my girlfriend went outside I said "soon I'm gonna have to turn the sausages around" and then I had to open the window and add "that's what SHE said" cos it's hard work being this fucking funny
Reposted byAvatar Dylan Keeling
my elderly Egyptian Uber driver happily informed me that he “supports the gays now” because he lives with a lesbian couple and “the husband lesbian is a better husband than I was”, happy pride everyone
Now, a General Election! An IMMERSIVE experience in which you, personally, can make choices to live your Own Political Story! As long as you choose one of these pre-set storylines and correctly cheer the pre-scripted battle scenes, plus you have to pay to participate ❤️
It's probably because a general election just got called in Britain but I keep thinking of the star wars hotel as an amazing metaphor for like... politics.
Is it some kind of algorithmic illusion or is this Jenny Nicholson video really cutting through more than usual? I don't remember seeing her turn up as much as this before, plus the amount of takes like "never heard of this Nicholson woman but..."