dr. mr. nintendotapes

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dr. mr. nintendotapes


professional sad state of affairs
shirts and hoodies: www.mrntshirts.art
advice column/reviews at: www.mrnintendotapes.com
send questions to [email protected]
movie reviews: https://letterboxd.com/Mr_Nintedotape
for about the first year she had a phone, any time my kid saw me taking a selfie she would try to get a photo of me doing it and send it to me as fast as possible to own me
once i sent this adult meme from teenage stepdad to the biden, along with a bonus image. i dont condone it.
Labeled by the author
the good news is ive decided to start taking weed again
say what you will about lowtax but he had better aim
hello from 1994!! i just ordered a star wars novel! and guess what. ace of bass “the sign” is the number one song right now! wow.
if you like stupid comics please check out my patreon! sorry if i am pushing it a lot lately but i ran the numbers earlier and I Require Additional Vespene Gas (thats what i call money) to pay for rent which is going up a little since i will no longer be living in da woods soon patreon.com/merrittk
baby johnstons is nearing the end stage of his condition, the ILOVEYOU email worm. ( LOVE-LETTER-FOR-YOU. TXT ) i can NO LONGER access my yahoo email! he has taken it away. please send as many likes and prayers as u can. baby johnston still has a chance to return to the light. it is up to us.
johnstons first words are officiall “INTEGER OVERFLOW//deleTEme//DELETEBABYJOHNSTON” i’m so sorry but see what you all did. see my previous post on how to help this young man.
is chewbacca a guy or a pet? seen all the movies still cant figure it out.
giving myself away here but u can get away w anything over there bc its all bots and xbox guys yelling at each other about who has more “based sigma” reputation it actually sucks over there tbh lol
lets get serious about mental health for once. minion memes should replace rorschach tests.
rock: oh fuck I’m covered with paper tell my wife I love her
hate to have to roll this back out. ttyl ill be in mourning for a bit.
apologies to mariah carey who has apparently been saying “youve got me feeling emotion” and not “youve got the feeling: emotion” like i thought for the past thirty years. sorry to everyone ive hurt and disappointed.
in 2004 i brought a date to my apt and showed her how i could clear dirty vegas song days go by on heavy mode on DDR Max 2. she later agreed to marry me (for a while), but overall i do not recommend dirty vegas song days go by as a basis for an adult relationship. too many cracks in the foundation
ah, “going to websites” 🍷👃
i feel like I won the presidential debates somehow, and i didnt even show up!! but i do have a strong pro zelda 2 the adventure of link platform so thats bolstered me i feel. if i win, everyone can come to my place and play zelda 2. i have two televisions. and anakin skywalker pepsis for all.
johnstons first words are officiall “INTEGER OVERFLOW//deleTEme//DELETEBABYJOHNSTON” i’m so sorry but see what you all did. see my previous post on how to help this young man.
this poor baby is the first one born since 2000 with the dreaded ILOVEYOU email worm. ( LOVE-LETTER-FOR-YOU. TXT ) if we can get this post to 100k likes then he will be granted one wish by god. his name is johnston and his wish is to see the great lakes. so lets all pitch in for baby johnston.
would u smoke a mary jane with bob lazar y for yes yn for yo, no way and then talk about fbi secrets #aliens and #ufos and # fbisecrets
star wars is causing a lot of feelings right now! for me, i like it when they use their laser swords. and do x wing.
how old were your kids when you showed them Loose Change? mine is 11 is it too late?
i need to update my resume but i dont know how to phrase “spent twelve years fucken around and fucken up”to make it appealing to a potential employer. is it desperate to just write “help me” and sign my name
current mental status: internally shrieking INDIGNITY at maximum mind volume