Michelangelo Signorile

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Michelangelo Signorile


journalist, commentator, host of The Michelangelo Signorile Show on SiriusXM Progress, channel 127, 3-6 ET weekdays


New York City!
Can you believe the NYT fact-checked this from Biden’s ABC interview? The torrent of lies Trump tells and they’ve doing this petty bullshit on Biden.
This story should've been written days ago, & the details included in Editorial Board's call for Biden to leave. Only now, after whipping up the frenzy for Biden to quit, does NYT explain how risky it is--& you better believe they'll be focusing on division throughout the process, sowing chaos.
NYT is still on this kick. Also, if all your columnists are writing the same thing, maybe suggest they write about something else. If anything, demands from media elites are only bringing more support in the base for Biden.
The executive editor of NYT says his job is to take the issue that Fox News has elevated with sensational reporting, and make that centerpiece of his paper's reporting as well. Not what is most important, but what Fox News has elevated to the top of the polls. www.semafor.com/article/05/0...
Another New York Times special -- based on NO data, just interviews with 3 hardcore Trump supporters, two whom identify as "pro-life."
The NYT quotes Trump saying this at fundraiser, but doesn’t point out that it’s not true, absolutely no evidence of any country emptying prisons or institutions. Truth should be stated each time.
Can someone show me one special election/mid-term/whatever where immigration caused a surge of voters for the GOP? I can show you dozens where abortion brought Democrats/indies to the polls in massive numbers.
This is from Alexander Burns, the head of "news" at Politico.
If this narrative is true, it astounds me that three women at NBC, journalists, urged the man on top to hire a criminal election-denying liar who trying to elect the man who got Roe overturned & is hellbent on authoritarian theocracy. Please explain this to me.
Bolsinaro was seeking asylum from fellow authoritarian Victor Orban, Trump's fascist best friend. Total global supervillains. Doesn't get more crazy--and scary.
Oh, please name these businesses. We are dying to know.
The coverage is not going well for Katie Britt and her speech.
Quoting Hitler is now portrayed as just another "culture war" issued in corporate media, in the process legitimized. From NYT's coverage of NC governor's races.
Another New York Times headline riddle. It should be "Trump Brazenly Compares Himself to Navalny, Doesn't Condemn Putin." The top news isn't "breaks silence." And "winding social media post" just adds obscurity rather than stating the news.
This is the way to run the headline, up at the top, with no hedging or over-explaining. Simple and clear: Trump is urging Russia to attack U.S. allies. Late, but better than age-obsessed New York Times.
Terrible to hear of the passing of Joe Madison, a tireless activist, legendary radio host. A friend who offered immediate support as I, too, fought cancer. It was an honor to have him on my program and to go on his program. Learned so much from him, will miss him greatly.
It's like the pollsters who get everything wrong and never cop to it.
Gotta be bad for Biden, right? I'm sure the story is forthcoming.
Much of the media has memory-holed last weekend's "vermin" speech & gone back to the horse race—when they should be connecting it to this new post. "The final battle" is coming, Trump says, and he uses "demolish" and "expel" and "drive out" and "cast out" and "rout" regarding his opponents.
Mike Johnson sent out a fundraising email to right-wingers and christian nationalists, describing himself as protecting "biblical values." He then says he's the father of "four amazing children," completely omitting his Black son, including in the photo.
Forgot to post today’s baguettes here! (One is gone already.)
Trump calls for the execution of Chairman of Joint Chiefs, General Mark Milley, and there isn't one media story about it on major media. Should be top of page headline. Another failure by corporate media.
Next up: Jeanine Pirro Faces Her Biggest Test Yet as an Investigative Reporter.
He waited until the bitter end, thinking he was going to be granted an extension. Just like he thought he’d be attorney general. Among the most delusional of the bunch.
this is the Pride flag killer, just named by the police in Lake Arrowhead. This is his pinned tweet. A radicalized MAGA 27-year-old.
Only an insurrectionist and terrorist would think there's anything wrong with Judge Chutkan' statement.