
It's like the pollsters who get everything wrong and never cop to it.
All the doom saying gave hundreds of companies, especially in tech, great cover for mass layoffs though
"we saw inflation plunge" sure because inflation measures are carefully crafted to skip key things like the fact my grocery store bill physically hurts me every week and the housing market is a bloodbath. NBD of course just abysmally high costs for those luxuries like (checks notes) shelter and food
Economists have successfully predicted 8 of the last 4 recessions.
Wow, Paul, let's cherry pick two economic indicators out of hundreds of them and two that particularly favor the people making the profits. Nice.
"Non-working and working underemployed" needs to be the new gold standard metric, meaning anyone making less than what would be considered a liveable wage.
Actually there is something called the U6, or Unemployment Rate 6, and it is supposed to take these factors into account but it too underestimates real figures by at least 3 multiples if not more. It is at 7% right now, but Gig and Contract Workers make up 40% of the work force, It has to be 21%.
This is better. I feel like there needs to be something that says how many average folks are able to actually thrive and not be teetering on the edge of ruin. That's a true measure of a country's economy imho
50% teetering. it's only been a matter of decades since the top 1% went from owning 10% to over 30%, the top 10% gained as well and the rest of us have been squozen out
I wish I could find out what "all persons marginally attached to the labor force." means, probably 16 hours a week or less. Although a good chunk of Seniors do that because of SS not being adequate to sustain them.
Yeah, it sounds like a catch-all to cover all those "technically has some kind of a job" folks.
It’s also like the tech overlords who keep laying people off and claiming recession are lying too. Same lack of accountability for all of this just up and down the elite ladder.
It’s like the economy only measures how well rich people are doing! Better to call it “the Yacht Money Index” at this point…
It *KILLS ME* that they count people who ran out of unemployment as added jobs. INFURIATING 😡
This is where we fantasize about community notes that tag everything these people say with their track record on the subject