
Much of the media has memory-holed last weekend's "vermin" speech & gone back to the horse race—when they should be connecting it to this new post. "The final battle" is coming, Trump says, and he uses "demolish" and "expel" and "drive out" and "cast out" and "rout" regarding his opponents.
When you combine "vermin," "final battle," and globalist, communists, and Marxist listed in a row, this is no longer a dog whistle to anti-semites, this is a regular old whistle.
I've always thought the first go around was seeing how far they can push it. Now that they know there is serious backing in this country for this, they'll go 100% in on it. We're going to see something horrible.
God willing, we'll keep him out of the White House and buy ourselves more time to fix things.
I hope you're right but Biden isn't doing himself any favors keeping votes.
I didn't say that I think it's going to happen. I honestly don't know right now
Yeah, but Biden said ultra MAGA folks are bad … so both sides or something.
Did Biden say "MAGA folks are bad"? Maybe I missed it, or the media neglected to report it? Biden did say MAGAs are extremists. You may interprete it as being bad, which I agree. But that's just an opinion. On the other hand, you-know-who incites violence, and you say both sides are same?
Good morning, welcome to Blue sky. Reread my post and relax. This place isn’t Twitter.
No problem ✌️ This place is great. Enjoy.
Just joined the community for a day - never really used Twitter. 🤝
The idea he could get back in our White House is both revolting and frightening
Heavy on the biblical, apocalyptic rhetoric, to fire up his Evangelical base.
His fanbase love fascism, they just hate being called fascists. Same as they love racism, but hate being called racists. They want all the trappings of fascism, except for the guilt associated with the actual term.
they’re okay with it as long as it’s THEIR guy doing it
Yup. When they say Deep State, they've always meant legal constraints on his behavior.
Straight-up dictator stuff.
At this point they’ve dug a memory mineshaft that should’ve reached the earth’s core by now.
i wonder what he thinks fascism means
"Anything we happen to dislike"
It kind of blows my mind that people can DO fascism without knowing they are fascists, you know what I mean?
Literally all he has to do is say "finish the job once and for all" instead of "final solution" and nobody bats an eye. It was just the literal word vermin, and not the intent or meaning behind it, that got any play at all last time. Incredible.
I am an educated person but still cannot fathom why 50% of the country hasn’t figured out just how evil Trump is. It. Is. Mind boggling.
Oh, they know. It just happens to align with their interests.
Clearly trump has found a way to say "final solution" without saying "final solution."
He's going to 'finish the job once and for all'. Sounds something like a Final Solution.
With a list like that there's going to be no one left in the country! Not sure how "kill off the entire working class" is going to affect wages, but it's looking like if i'm not thrown in a camp ill definitely be getting a raise
Fascists who attempt coups and then run for office and refer to Final things have never caused trouble in the past, right?
Sounds better in German TBF
Don’t forget (((globalists))), hint hint nudge nudge. Awful.
This post from Trump feels like a message within a message. A directive? It's an ugly message on it's face but it seems like so much more & nothing good
I think you guys could easily win a civil war against 600,000 baby hands.
tRUmp kept copies of Hitler's speeches by his bed.
they haven't memory holed anything, they're interested in ratings and feeding the machine. They need trump in the headlines
That's a serious threat! Maybe the Dems should take it seriously, dump genocide-enabler Biden, and nominate someone who stands a GOOD chance of trouncing Trump. The last I heard, Trump is beating Biden in 5 out of 6 battleground states and haemorrhaging support from those who care for Human Rights
Biden has vetoed a UN Security Council call for a ceasefire while a genocide is going on! He UNCONDITIONALLY supports an Israeli government, some of whose ministers consider Palestinians "vermin" and openly call for the annihilation of Palestine, including "demolishing" its infrastructure and 👇👇👇
"expelling" it's inhabitants ("driv[ing them] out" / "cast[ing them] out"), as well as "routing" their opponents, including the growing number of Israeli citizens + global Jews appalled by Israeli-government-approved/ordered atrocities. Hey! Maybe Biden should endorse Trump! He's like Joe's 🇮🇱pals.
I made a composition error in my initial reply: "Trump is beating Biden in 5 out of 6 battleground states and haemorrhaging [...]" SHOULD read "Joe is trailing Trump in 5 out of 6 battleground states and haemorrhaging [...]" Human-Rights supporters are NOT voting for Trump
That's a serious threat! Maybe the Dems should take it seriously, dump genocide-enabler Biden, and nominate someone who stands a GOOD chance of trouncing Trump. The last I heard, Trump is beating Biden in 5 out of 6 battleground states and haemorrhaging support from those who care for Human Rights
We ARE, however, refusing to back a supporter of genocide: a hypocrite who said that there's NOTHING the USA can do to convince the Israeli government to stop the slaughter of innocents, while at the same time asking Congress for ADDITIONAL money to give Israel for weapons. Nothing he can do?! 😳🤯🤬
If we're going to find a cure for insanity we'd better do it it quickly.
B/c for much of the media, he’s not talking about/to them. It’s easy for them to other 95% of what he says AND does cause it doesn’t apply to them, and what does they have ways around. He & his schtick is good for business & that’s all they care about.
trump on his way to blame the fact he isn’t providing basic services to people that can’t afford human needs in a crisis caused by the economic system he advocates for on some bogus conspiracy theory entailing the words marxist, woke and socialist.