an Anthony Bouvier stan account

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an Anthony Bouvier stan account

Doing a lap before I commit to a location
Currently watching I Love Lucy on mute and cracking up
Did Ron Howard ever apologize to us? Oprah?
Ooh a classic. I bet he got a few people with that one before he ran into you. Couldn't have been enough to offset that crash though oop
I think about this sometimes. I support people bringing back those old school Learned Society type places, just cool old buildings where you could go in and study, and once a month there'd be a lecture or something and community could happen.
Exactly! Love to see industries and entities cooperating to actually improve things for us
We really don't do enough to celebrate the person who thought to standardize the number of holes in shower curtains and shower curtain liners
And now, the continuing adventures of "Yes, Libby Actually Fucking Sucks": I've had a book on hold since early May (manually since the useless tag feature served no use). For the last month the app has been telling me there's a 2 week wait. I check today, and all my holds are just gone. Cool app.
I don't care what anyone says, Libby sucks. The "tag and wait" system for requesting books does nothing at all, and trying to see what's on hold where is a mess. Team Overdrive forever.
This is the only situation where I wish I was still on twitter, so I could bully them properly.
The US Post Office is just utterly garbage. I know it's gone through decades of purposeful gutting and ruination. I'm just saying that shit really worked. It's a fully terrible entity.
As soon as I posted this, they cratered. So what have I learned? ..... Let's go Cards!
I think my baseball team is actually good this season and I *do not* know how to act Let's Go Royals!
It's this and this alone that keeps me from trying my hand at freelancing. I'm far too vengeful for this type of carrying on.
As a country, I think we might be stupid?
No, he was ashamed of how he appeared on television to a small but vocal subset of people who dislike him, so he dropped out. Surprised it hasn't been in the papers.
Nice, and I need an airplane read next week. Guess I'll be looking for this at the library.
It's not pedantic to point out a substantive error. That misconception is one of my internet pet peeves; carry the Earth torch proudly.
I'm pretty sure I voted for Mike Truk once
I don't care what's going on I'mma stop to listen to SWV every time. Those ladies know they're gifted
Mariah in NYT Connections today; lambs, we won
I am absolutely delighted by this little thread of someone in Ireland discovering the wonders of fresh corn. Corn rules. Gonna get some today and roast it in the oven.
I had to google what is “shuck an ear of corn” and I still can’t work out is it peeling the outside or getting the little corn things off.
"The Royals can avoid a sweep tomorrow ... it will be behind Brady Singer and against a right-hander making his major league debut, Tanner Gordon. He has a 5.35 ERA in the PCL, this year, so the Royals are likely doomed." Ouch.
I've never felt more like an auntie in my life than just now when I realized Essence blacked out Charlie Wilson's performance 😫
More and more renting an apartment is starting to feel like buying a used car.
Seeing BG out here is something else. I'm back to middle school in middle of nowhere Louisiana writing these verses on my notebook cover