
That low info voters attribute all things to the President and the President's party creates some very bad incentives in American politics given that the system is explicitly designed to not let the American President control everything
This is especially true of the issues outsourced to being ruled by fiat by the Supreme Court Gang of Six - a system no low information voters understand because it both doesn't make intuitive sense nor is taught that way in civics education.
Yes, the media has a strong interest in portraying swing voters as cross-pressured moderates torn between left and right when for every guy like that there's 10 people who have very low information about how the system functions and incoherent views as a result
It's kind of a frustrating position to be in where the Dems have a near monopoly on popular policy positions but the GOP has a monopoly on propaganda and effective messaging of the interesting things about the article is almost all of the voters, when given information about Biden and Trump's actual positions, swung towards Biden. The problem is they all have "Do Not Break Glass Until October 2024" written on them.
Yes though its worth noting that this would be impossible without the Gang of Six backstopping these efforts
Never even mind the Gang of Six — a whole lot of federal government policy, especially DHS policy at the southern border, is dictated by hand-picked district judges in single-judge divisions in Texas
Seems like the Democrats missed a major opportunity to draw battlelines about the court's legitimacy in the aftermath of overturning Roe.
electioneering is basically the Blue Team doing GOTV and the Red Team doing a Fox News/voter suppression combo in a war of attrition. meanwhile, the swing voters are out here picking candidates on vibes alone— and sometimes swinging elections that way!
No matter what king of political spinmeisters the Republicans have, they don’t seem to be generating much support for their forced birth agenda.
I think Trump's ability to say fascist authoritarian nonsense will likely cut through that advantage.
Never even mind the Gang of Six — a whole lot of federal government policy, especially DHS policy at the southern border, is dictated by hand-picked district judges in single-judge divisions in Texas
It’s gonna be so irritating seeing years of Aleman Gonzalez for me but not for thee by scotus, preventing pro immigrant injunctions but somehow always allowing anti immigrant shit
Avatar of the interesting things about the article is almost all of the voters, when given information about Biden and Trump's actual positions, swung towards Biden. The problem is they all have "Do Not Break Glass Until October 2024" written on them.
I kind of wonder whether this explains some of Biden's bad swing state polling (which would actually be a good thing, because unlike many of the other reasons people might have soured on him, it's untrue + somewhat fixable with ads).
Yup. His goals and beliefs aren’t lining up with reality