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I’m not nearly as blonde as the profile picture!

Actually, the profile picture is a European Bee-Eater (I’m pretty sure). There is no message behind the image; I just thought it was pretty.
If you're worried about brevity in your writing, don't. It took Project 2025 nine hundred pages to say fourteen words.
Hey, do it yourselfers, have you ever thought about making a BlueSky feed? Someone is sharing a guide to show exactly how to make one!
A quick and dirty guide to making custom feeds on Bluesky – Southern Fried Sciencewww.southernfriedscience.com
I remember those days How low we have fallen 💔
NEWS in the 50s 60s & 70s:
Skin cancer is no joke. I found small strange black specks near my hair line. Went to a dermatologist and it was basal cell carcinoma. Had to have MOHS surgery to remove it. I also had a squamous cell lesion removed from the back of my calf. People need to be aware of the dangers of sun exposure.
I grew up when women were getting more freedoms. I am concerned the generations after me are complacent in thinking they can't lose their freedoms. Would be interesting to ask a set of around 10 questions to Gen Z and millennials-what year could women.... get a credit card, get a loan, etc.
“A Supreme Court that had just declared it a crime to be poor and homeless ruled that Donald Trump, previously and perhaps soon once again the world’s most powerful man, cannot be prosecuted for anything that a president’s lawyer (or conservative jurist) might spin as an “official act.”
"All the evidence is about to come out": Legal experts say SCOTUS ruling could backfire on Trumpwww.salon.com Judge Tanya Chutkan can now hold a "mini trial" that will lay out the case against Trump ahead of election.
I think a person can win a decathlon even if they can’t pole vault ten feet, if they do everything else well enough.
Been saying this forever. He’s a great president, an incredibly effective administrator. Absolutely a man of character. But he’s never been a great orator.
Good Morning Blue Friends ☀️☕️ Happy Saturday to you!! I’m still voting for Joe. His numbers run higher against Trump than any others that have been suggested to run. We cannot allow Convict Trump back into the WH. He will destroy us. I’m not exaggerating either. #VoteJoeInNovember
www.wsj.com/us-news/law/... Supreme Court Pares Back Federal Regulatory Power “a rule of judicial humility gives way to a rule of judicial hubris.”
Give me the man who stumbles with his words as he tells you the honest truth over the man who can effortlessly tell you elegant lies with a silk tongue.
Critics said President Biden’s climate plan would kill jobs. They were wrong. Biden is protecting the environment and overseeing a boom in American manufacturing. I’m with the old guy who believes in science. #Biden2024
Having some pan President Biden’s debate performance could end up being a blessing in disguise. Rather than give the spotlight to the would-be fascist dictator, the president should now get more attention for his policy, plans, and performances.
It’s probably just as good that BlueSky doesn’t have an “unlike” button, but I regularly catch myself just in time to avoid liking a comment I strongly disagree with!
There’s a reason MAGAts are so eager for us to replace President Biden—and it’s not because they’re desperate to lose.
Reading a transcript of the debate Thursday night points to a disparity between Trump’s volume (both in decibels and in quantity) versus President Biden’s substance. Would you rather be represented by a thoughtful leader or by a cartoon?
The job isn't "debates" which isn't his strong suit. The job requires knowledge and wisdom, it requires the ability to put together a great executive team and let them do their job.
Thinking about President Biden’s long life so far, I know that he’s had MUCH worse nights than last night. If President Clinton was the “Comeback Kid” maybe Joe Biden is the “Comeback Grandpa?” I wouldn’t bet against him.
Am I the only one who finds it bizarre when people who trashed President Biden four years ago now trash him because they don’t think he’s just like he was four years ago?
Seeing some of the reactions to President Biden’s debate performance reminds me of the old phrase, “With ‘friends’ like these…”
How many Russias does Donald Trump think there are? He never uses the name once, does he, not a single time.
President Biden weighs 178 pounds. With him standing beside Donald Trump, does the difference really look like only 37 pounds to you? Donald has claimed to be 215.