
i wonder if they're bringing up stuff he did in the white house so now they can try to get the case halted and tossed on the "official act' immunity the gang of six just made up yesterday
Trump lawyer Emil Bove is now bringing up a January 2017 meeting when Trump was president and invited David Pecker to a meeting at the White House with Sean Spicer and Mike Pompeo. Pecker testified that Trump made a joke about how Pecker knew more than the people in the room
Well that may or not be the case, but we just need 8-12 months of appeals to determine it before we can finish the trial
We're basically there. They were a little circumspect in 2021-2022 when the Dems still had Congress but they seem confident at this point in rigging 2024 and the favorable Senate map that they'll never have to face a Dem trifecta ever again so ya its "fuck you we win" time
Joe Biden Take Sam Alito At His World Challenge
The more both sides accuse each other of rigging, the more I am convinced that it is some sort of copium driven conspiracy theory.
They're going to rule that the President has immunity for official acts nobody questioned that he had immunity for, and that he's not charged for. Then they're going to send it down and direct the lower courts to determine if any acts are covered under that. And then take the appeal of that.
Ahhh man. Just long enough that Biden can't legally black bag the Gang of Six?