
The reporter isn't exactly trying to trip him up but it's remarkable watching the discpline of the student who, while still engaging and answering the questions, consistently returns the conversation to Gaza any time the reporter wants him to talk about the campus or protesters.
I can’t recall the last time I saw a local news channel just… report like this. Some regional professionals in five minutes whooped the ass off every national reporter in the country.
The other really effective thing this student does is frame his opposition to the war in terms of the student's obligations as American citizens - which is a framing most lefties don't really believe in but works on normies - and explicitly framing the cops as cowardly, which works because they are
Most professional politicians don't, especially impressive in the context of having just survived a violent attack by cops hours earlier and still being in the middle of a stressful confrontation with them!
Damn. I was pretty active in the anti-war movement (such as it was) at that age but I did not have this young man's message discipline and eloquence.
rw media interns already workshopping, preparing a go-to line on him
Like a baby Tim Duncan out there nailing the footwork
Damn. I was pretty active in the anti-war movement (such as it was) at that age but I did not have this young man's message discipline and eloquence.
He’s so articulate! And like you said, he’s not rude about redirecting but consistently redirects right back to the issue