fka augmentedballot, library craftsperson

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fka augmentedballot, library craftsperson

Library Fresh and San Diego localism, Jeffrey T Davis irl
"On Monday, John Roberts did far more damage to America's instituions than Donald Trump did on January 6."
No longer a liberal drafts @ interfluidity
I know it’s not a big media market, but the LA Times did manage to do the minimum yesterday. (Please, use the NYT for fish wrap, read the LAT instead.)
Just repeating TC's point. Where we've dropped the ball car-emissions-wise is in treating slow charging (and PHEVs) as inferior for ordinary use. Abundant workplace/lot slow charging is where we should be putting our effort.
And by focusing so much on DC fast charging built up and effectively not at all on getting slow charging at apartment buildings and workplaces, we are setting up a whole class of folks to not understand the best ways to use their EVs. This includes policy makers who could help renters.
A good way to challenge the authority of an illegitimate institution is to find an issue where their authority is unpopular and difficult to enforce and openly defy them on it.
Library ticketed pass meetup at ALA. Join us Monday 11:45a convention center Room 9! 📚 #PubLibs
Library people at ALA/San Diego! Are ticketed pass (museum pass) programs part of your work? We're having a short meetup Monday 11:45am. I'll update w location soon. No agenda, just a meet & greet. NYC, Chicago, and I are trying to build up a community of practice. Hope to see you! 📚 #PubLibs
Library ticketed pass meetup at ALA. Join us Monday 11:45a convention center Room 9! 📚 #PubLibs
Library people at ALA/San Diego! Are ticketed pass (museum pass) programs part of your work? We're having a short meetup Monday 11:45am. I'll update w location soon. No agenda, just a meet & greet. NYC, Chicago, and I are trying to build up a community of practice. Hope to see you! 📚 #PubLibs
Library people at ALA/San Diego! Are ticketed pass (museum pass) programs part of your work? We're having a short meetup Monday 11:45am. I'll update w location soon. No agenda, just a meet & greet. NYC, Chicago, and I are trying to build up a community of practice. Hope to see you! 📚 #PubLibs
No time, but tempted…
City Bus Manager $20.99 Build your own bus depot from scratch and create your personal bus routes in City Bus Manager. Play in your own hometown or any famous city in the world with real map data. Buy buses, maintain them, take care of your staff...
PSA San Diego: the big US library conference will be here for the first time (I think) starting 6/27, about 20k library people schlepping totes of books and craft supplies around the gaslamp. Probably some book-ban freaks hanging around too.
2024 ALA Annual Conference & June 27 – July 2, 2024 in San Diego, CA. — ALA Annual Conference is the biggest library event of the year. Attend in person or online for top-quality education, inspiring speakers and author talks, an...
California cannot remain divided like this. It’s time to demolish the 5.
Life east of the 5: sometime around 2020, California quietly passed a major milestone: there are now more of us living east of I-5 than west of it. 🏡📈 EastCal is our future. 1/
Don't want to dogpile but worth saying that San Diego densification doesn't require towers. We're mostly 1-2 stories. At 4-5 stories, get rid of some setbacks & surface parking, narrow a road here or there, pretty soon you've got capacity for another 4M+ people, 4X that if we go up to O'side & IB.
East coasters always forget about the fact that earthquakes make building tall buildings in California very dangerous and/or expensive. The actual solution is for white people to move back to the cheaper cities in the East and Midwest where real estate is more sustainable.
I missed the speeding-camera royale earlier, so taking a dumb, redundant, swing. Reckless driving and ordinary speeding-as-per-an-unsafe-road-design are two different things. Absolutely camera and impound for the former. But cameras won't fix the latter, not on their own.
The pic with the dog is 👩🏾‍🍳👌🏾💋
Obsessed and frankly a little jealous about how well Labour's candidate in Clacton dresses.
PSA San Diego: the big US library conference will be here for the first time (I think) starting 6/27, about 20k library people schlepping totes of books and craft supplies around the gaslamp. Probably some book-ban freaks hanging around too.
2024 ALA Annual Conference & June 27 – July 2, 2024 in San Diego, CA. — ALA Annual Conference is the biggest library event of the year. Attend in person or online for top-quality education, inspiring speakers and author talks, an...
Meeting people arriving at the airport, at their gate
Reskeet with how old you are, using a vague proxy: I still buy songs on the iTunes Store
Imagine learning about how America kicks all sorts of ass because our diversity is our strength then being like "but that's bad"
Supply side progressivism ftw! Not that we ditch monetary policy for price stability, but strategic reserves have better trade offs and without year-long lags. Just need to solve how to apply it to housing.
this guardrails model seems like it could be highly useful for stabilizing the price of other key commodities like lithium, steel etc
This is a great, clear statement. If I could add one hobby-horse, it's that there's been legislative progress and nimbys are slightly less of an obstacle than they had been. Parking, overwide roads, interest rates, supply chains, review, & more are rising in relative importance.
Housing prices are the single most important part of people's lived experience of "the economy" and the only way to make them better is to build a hell of a lot more housing. This is progressive.
Housing Is The Nothing gets better until we build more housing.
Godzilla Minus One is on Netflix now, and I really like it. Can’t recommend it enough.
More good EV chat today in's threads. Related, I want to re-up this important point. For emissions, what matters is raising the floor, not the ceiling. Reductions aren't linear, and the biggest gains are at the low end. We lose sight of this too often.
Question: Which saves more gas? A) Improving a car’s fuel economy from 25 to 50 MPG B) Improving from 10 to 15 MPG If you said A, you’re mistaken. You've fallen for the MPG Illusion, which has long distorted US car & climate policy. Me in 🧵