
the Gang of Six is a political body and their decisions - both in timing and content - are designed to give maximal electoral advantage to Republicans.
As says, this is a massive election year gift to the Republican Party. Instead of the consequences of right-wing extremism being fully on display, the story will be a "muddled legal landscape" with the suggestion that federal law can save us from red state legislatures.
Witness making everybody wait to see if the most obvious question in the world, whether laws do not apply to Donald Trump specifically, has the obvious answer.
It's such a frustrating question because there is an obvious answer and the answer that history has shown over and over again. I am tired of the world's most special boy.
Per curium too. Scared to put their name on it
What a coincidence! SCOTUS just ruled bribery of a public official is ok as long as the bribe is received AFTER the goods have been delivered. Now they have a majority on the court, they're not hiding any more. The arrogance of the SCOTUS justices is breathtaking. #SCOTUScorruption