
It's pretty interesting what the media decides is front page news and what they don't decide is front page news! Trump being a child sex abuser with close connections to Jeffrey Epstein somehow doesn't merit the same coverage as "unnamed Dem insider has concerns about Biden's age"
I saw this was trending and had to google it "The post alleges that Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee for this year's presidential election, "forced" young girls to "perform lesbian sex acts."
Donald Trump, Katie Johnson allegations: Everything we Allegations from a lawsuit that was dismissed in 2016 are circulating on social media.
Very Serious People can't resolve the cognitive dissonance involved in the knowledge that Trump was involved with Epstein's pedo ring and so pretend its a conspiracy theory or didn't happen. Trump inexplicably gave the guy who let Epstein skate a cabinet post! All out in the open!
I honestly think a huge element of Q-An*n's resonance with conservative voters is that its a way to resolve the pain caused by so many of their own leaders being child abusers and so many of their base voters being victims of abuse
when I think about this, and the fact that the whole QAnon thing is "end child sex trafficking" and all the QAnon people vociferously support Trump...well, right before my brain starts oozing out my ears, I'm forced to conclude there is a LOT of deeply dark shit we don't know about yet
It’s the endpoint of a mental gymnastics routine to explain why Trump doesn’t do all the cool politics they project onto him and just does the narcissism
Churches are often microcosms of this, where known child abusers remain in good standing because they're "trying to change," and all the pain and resentment resulting from the injustice gets aimed outward at non-churchgoers who they imagine must be doing the same things except in an evil way.
Or to the victims who get blamed for tempting the abusers
Considering Trump sterling record for projecting his own foibles onto those who oppose him (the only sterling record he owns), I guarantee there's a lot to unpack we don't know about.
Say it with me folks! "P Tapes" are Pedophile Tapes and not "PEE TAPES".
Insisting that Tom Hanks is a pedophile is a hell of a lot less stressful than admitting that your local cop, priest, hockey coach or *presidential candidate* is a pedophile 😬
makes me wonder how much of it may be twisted guilt trip projection because they too have had an impure thot that involves kids or animals or inanimate objects. To discount how much of our national angst is tied up in sexual guilt is a fools game it seems.
well look at the evangelical extremely close Venn there, and how much of Trump's base it makes up. then take a good long look at their theory and practice of child rearing. all trigger warnings ever. Alice Miller was right, dammit.
It also gives the entire topic a conspiracist tinge that gives the MSM an excuse to ignore it