
I'm sure we'll see just as many stories about the historic drop in homicides as we saw about the blip upwards at the end of the Trump years
And speaking of Baltimore, I'm sure my followers are waiting on pins and needles for my latest update on our astonishing fall in homicides. The wait is over! 😏
We really discount how aggressively right wing PR groups push those stories. There just isn’t the same funding or assertiveness from left wing groups. It is eternally frustrating.
Besides media clicks there isn't ideological cohesion. Everyone right of center thinks there's out of control crime. Only strong progressive or more left think the inverse. Gavin Newsome is the only big name democrat I can think of that openly pushed back.
Up is news. Down is not news. Accusations are news. Retractions are not news. SCOTUS decisions are news. Shadow docket is not news. Republican corruption is not news.
We really discount how aggressively right wing PR groups push those stories. There just isn’t the same funding or assertiveness from left wing groups. It is eternally frustrating.
What's really telling is when someone comments on some broadly framed article about violence and crime, and invokes Baltimore. It's the new "Chicago" because right wingers are gradually catching up to the fact that Chicago isn't even in the top 10 deadliest cities regardless of how you count