
"This is an emergency situation where egos and baggage must be put aside in order to serve the ultimate goal of making sure Donald fucking Trump never gets back to The White House." - sums up how I am feeling re need to rally w/ Kamala.
Here's the thing; if a potted fucking plant was running against Trump (and the NYT is trying to convince the electorate that this is exactly what is happening), I am voting for the potted plant.
Ofc, I will vote for a ham sandwich over a convicted felon every day.
Here too, I'd suggest a general if not explicitly spoken understanding that we're voting for a Biden-HARRIS ticket (I've been warned this may be too subtle for US politics, though).
I still think Biden *and* Harris are strictly better than Harris.
After the debate I was very much in favor of sticking with Biden. I've softened on that since then to completely agnostic between Biden and Harris (only two options).
We are not far apart on this. I will support whoever - but I do think Kamala could electrify all of us and give us a much needed jolt to change the game and save us from fascists.
I also meant to say that I was a Warren Dem. And there was a lot of bad blood between KHive and Warren Dems. But I'm pretty enthusiastic about Harris now! Forgiven, forgotten.
All of this conjecture is based on the BS false notion that the media would not invest as much energy in destroying Harris as they are in destroying Biden. And did invest in destroying Hillary. While giving Trump passes on every damn thing.