
we really shouldn't pretend we had a real democratic primary for president this year my state, third largest in the US, didn't even have one
It’s amazing to me that so many of the “Biden must resign” people are blithely unconcerned about throwing out millions of primary votes for Biden. Those people don’t count? I thought disenfranchising voters was supposed to be a Republican thing.
Nobody really voted in the fem primary. There was no opposition
I see you trying to undermine the West and enable a traitor who attempted a coup. People like you want to disenfranchise American voters and enable the monster Trump, while desperately pretending to be people of good will.
log off, your mind is unwell and you're confusing me with a specter of your imagination
Lol "undermine the West" just say they're a Russian bot ya goof
i do appreciate the implication that i'm part of some spooky internationally supported fifth column but i regret to report that the left wing in this country just isn't that cool
These dorks still think the cold war is going on
kinda is! but not in a cool way!
Posting like this is a big reason why Biden is going to lose in November. It makes liberals look completely unhinged.
why hasn't Biden had this traitor and existential threat to the nation dealt with? why do the politicians you support so vehemently not agree with you that Trump is serious?
So the millions of people, including me, who voted for Biden in a primary election were what? Just pretending to vote?
i'm very happy for you but it was not a 50 state election decided by democratic processes this isn't an argument for or against replacing biden, just saying there wasn't a serious primary, it wasn't a democratic process
And your point is what? That it’s cool to throw out the millions of votes by people who didn’t understand they were just pretending?
if it was a real primary and you're saying THAT'S the reason why your guy should be in office (not because incumbent presidents generally run unopposed by their party) you should be outraged for all the voters that were disenfranchised this year you're just making a weird argument
Good thing I never said THAT’S the reason, then, but I’d appreciate if you wouldn’t put words in my mouth. I made a point that millions of people have a right to expect that their votes matter. You evidently think they don’t matter. And that is a VERY weird argument indeed.
yes, i think that an election in which some states hold a primary and others just decide the outcome behind closed doors is a farce
Pretty standard that sitting presidents don't have real primaries if they are running for re-election.
yes, that's not what i'm arguing i'm saying it's weird to pretend this process was democratic
Prime example, DE did not have a presidential primary election on primary election day. The ballot had local elections and the state just named all it's delegates for Biden because "what do you mean democratic processes are supposed to be representative, no.... Only Biden, just Biden"
i tend to agree but so's replacing him at this juncture 🙃 prolly shoulda, idk, had a real primary process about it last year or something