
I have read plenty of articles about how The Kids Today don’t play outside anymore, but would like to read one about how the olds today want to sic the cops on them the moment they step outside
Also: driver hits/kills child Endless readers: pop up to comment about how child was idiot who clearly had no idea how to cross a street
I sincerely hate cars. Everything about the contemporary culture concerning cars is just disgusting. Somehow US has it on steroids with the gigantic cars, miniscule space for everybody else and so on
Once you see it you can't unsee it and its inescapable. I feel like a crazy person but there's just absolutely no way to opt out.
There are a few ways to opt out. But those ways are extremely popular and expensive because there just aren't enough of them. NY, SF, Boston, DC, Seattle. a couple are less expensive: Chicago, Philly. might be 3 or 4 others.
It's not an opt out at all! Those cities are the best we've got but you're still fucking swimming in cars. Pedestrians get killed at bus stops and standing on the sidewalk all the time in SF and NYC. We can't even get fucking congestión pricing in NYC because you can't escape the car hegemony
Yup. And from what I hear, traffic deaths in Seattle are higher than ever. And don’t even try getting from one island-like neighborhood to another on a bus in under a half hour.