
stories like this give the lie to the idea that the right is interested in protecting these children. per their own narrative, this girl is a victim of “gender ideology” or whatever. but the reaction from the right is always hostility, ostracization and violence.
Mom of transgender girl athlete says Florida's investigation has destroyed her daughter's A Florida public school employee who faces firing because she allowed her transgender daughter to play girls high school volleyball assailed those who outed her child, saying Tuesday that the ensuing ...
all they want to do is kill us
I'm getting bad enough reactions saying the Republicans are planning to holocaust us & that shrugging it off until the next election as if it had no material consequences won't work for the people the Christian right will pass laws against & mass imprison that I've given up on spreading the message.
I didn't get a whole lot more than getting written off as a deranged kook like one of those street preachers with «the end is nigh» on sandwich board signs. They know we're going to be annihilated & only care that our bringing it up is an unpleasant subject disturbing their Ozzie & Harriet idyll.
Sadly, a whole lot of people really don't know. They think "it can't happen here". *While it is literally fucking happening*. Until we're literally getting rounded up they won't even notice