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Nadia/Надя/नादिया/娜迪亚/ نادية

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“Project 2025” isn’t just about power in Washington. The Reactionary Right’s goal is to re-establish political, societal, and cultural dominance in all spheres of life and turn the clock back to before what Heritage Foundation president Kevin Roberts calls “the Great Awokening.”
I got to talk to about “Project 2025” on “Why Is This Happening?”   For more, I wrote a three-part series on the Right’s plans to use government as an authoritarian tool to impose a reactionary vision on America. Some thoughts: 🧵1/
What Makes “Project 2025” So Will the Right be able to implement these radical plans? Is Trump on board? What happened to traditional conservatism? Let’s tackle some of the key questions surrounding “Project 2025”
Even though Judge Merchan feels there isn't a legal basis for continuing the blanket restrictions on Trump speaking publicly about jurors, he reaffirms that his earlier order limiting the disclosure of juror names and addresses remains in force
NEW: Judge Merchan terminates provisions of Trump's gag order relating to witnesses *and jurors* (while noting that he wishes he had the authority to keep the latter intact) but maintains protections on court staff, attorneys, and family members through sentencing
You people aren't engineering geniuses and so might have silly thoughts in your brain like, "a four-foot windshield wiper will encounter a lot of friction, made worse by leverage." On an unrelated note, every Cybertruck is recalled cuz the wiper ain't made right.
News interview I would love Isaac Chotiner to do: With whoever writes NYT headlines. Today's installment. first Axios, then NYT, framing similar news.
The fact that Meta keeps moving forward with ActivityPub federation is one of those big deals most people won't realize were big deals until it pretty much changes everything about the social web.
Meta is connecting Threads more deeply with the Replies from other platforms will show up in Threads.
Full opinion from the Oklahoma Supreme Court holding that the state's approval of an explicitly religious Catholic charter school violates the separation of church and state under the state and federal Constitutions (via
Right so Angela Rayner has said something that the world's richest author doesn't like so she has to be pressured into changing her views. Now I am by no means an expert in women's rights nor would I ever claim to be but a woman having to change her opinion at a rich person's whim seems a bit sus.
I will bet one million dollars that Aileen Cannon, without “colleagues down the hall,” interacts with Fed Soc lawyers. Cocktail parties, email, conferences, something. There’s no way she thinks about a hearing on the constitutionality of the special counsel unless she is hearing from Fed Soc ppl.
WSJ on Judge Cannon’s isolation.
Just watched a presentation from Microsoft about CoPilot and as far as I can tell these companies have spent billions upon billions of dollars to build something where the actual good use case is "slightly more user friendly template building"
“The tendency to label what is political use of speech as a threat illustrates the national security state’s remarkable success at getting ordinary Americans to see the world the same way they do: as dominated by shadowy, hostile actors, even domestic ones.”
When Did Everything Become "Disinformation"? National security speak creeps into public use
Yes but if you fixed the housing precarcity problem it would free up the resources needed to actually tackle the mental illness/chronic homelessness problem instead of leaving our support systems overwhelmed
Homelessness is an extremely difficult issue to handle because of the near-zero overlap between "what people think homelessness is" and "what homelessness actually is". If you fixed all housing precarity but not mentally ill people on the streets, you'd get no credit for it.
The homeless population is also not especially migratory. Every city has a local myth that the homeless population has been bussed in from somewhere else but surveys of homeless populations usually show the vast majority were previously housed in the same metro area before becoming homeless.
There's something to this but another important thing to know is that the typical homeless person in the USA is not mentally ill nor do they have a substance abuse problem, and moves in and out of homelessness rather than living on the streets for years at a time.
I started the sentence expecting you to end it with "when Reagan emptied out all the mental hospitals and they gave their patients a bus ticket to the nearest big city and told them to give panhandling a try" but what you said here also works.
It's not a problem of a weak economy - the economy being strong in these areas makes it *worse* by increasing local jobs without adding homes - the problem is housing supply, particularly supply in a handful of extremely expensive metro areas like Los Angeles that build virtually no new housing.
If you want to understand the origins and solutions of the American homelessness problem, a really important starting point is to understand that the problem mostly exists in places where *there are lots of jobs and the labor market is really strong,* not in economically depressed areas.
Billionaires are using teacher pensions to pay for their flights on their private jets they write off on their taxes. And teachers are paying for their school supplies, which they can only write off $300 of on their taxes, because of billionaire lobbying.
Why Are Teachers Funding Billionaires’ Private Jets? Plus, Wall Street pretends it’s in Texas, Gordon Gekko gets rich off California workers, and the launch of Summer 2024’s blockbuster event.
LLMs are useless for lawyering and other tasks involving actual analysis and understanding not because the technology hasn't gotten there yet, but because that's fundamentally not what statistical word association is capable of doing. Not only can't it understand, it's not even trying to understand.
To underscore this very important point... The chief source of contemporary "lizard people" claims is David Icke, who actually used the antisemitic forgery _The Protocols of the Elders of Zion_ as a source in laying out his ideas. That's how fundamentally antisemitic the lizard people thing is.
It’s worth remembering that “lizard people” is an extreme version of antisemitism. There are people who don’t explicitly connect to Jews, and maybe they even don’t know, but the origins of conspiracy theory are 100% about us.
It is known that every “inspiring” story of a disadvantaged person raising money to address a social safety net failure is an appalling indictment of society but I think we should also include every glowing profile of teenage family-wealth-backed entrepreneurs who could model for the white boy emoji
The question that Trump and Project 2025 are asking the nation is this: do we believe that there are such things as domestic problems we all face and which can best be addressed via collective, i.e. government, action? Like, is climate change a thing? Is poverty a thing? Is pollution a thing?
everyone involved with this investigation is a monster and deserves to have their own lives destroyed instead unfathomable cruelty, for no reason at all
Norton's daughter had been living her life, playing volleyball, and going to school. Planning a future. She was beloved by her peers and had been elected class president twice. Then her life was absolutely destroyed for no reason whatsoever by anti-trans zealots.
Reflecting on the legacy of Juneteenth. Not just African Americans informed of freedom but the white backlash to Black assertions of humanity & citizenship. All the laws in my next book are precipitated by enslaved & free Black peeps on the move seeking freedom, economic opportunity, & community.
Only a tiny portion of Black Americans were granted the land they were owed after the civil war. And then, almost immediately, the government took it back. Here’s where the people, and the land, ended up. Remarkable investigative reporting from the Reveal folks here:
40 Acres and a 40ACRES AND A LIE A government program gave formerly enslaved people land after the Civil War, only to take nearly all of it back a year and a half later. We used artificial intelligence to track down...