
Classic American political dialogue is premised on the idea that we share fundamental values but disagree on how best to promote them. I haven’t believed this for a while. Other than “I prefer to be alive and not dead” and “I like pudding,” I do not share values with these people.
Yep. One of the biggest blind spots people have is assuming that underneath, others share the same basic values as them. They have trouble imagining an ideology that is completely misaligned with theirs.
Every time CA catches on fire, when people are dying, right wingers (MANY) have to comment how thrilled they are, that they have no sympathy, it's what we deserve, etc. Absolutely depraved! White men are truly out of control. I have no solutions
California is not a land of unending blue bleeding heart liberals. CA elected Ahnold Schwartznegger twice as governor. He's not Marjorie Three Toes, but no one would confuse the Terminator with Nancy Pelosi.
I live here. I'm clear on that.
Oh, my point is that Repubs dancing on the graves of Californians, are dancing on some of their fellow travelers. But I guess they're rejoicing over their ignorant beliefs, not reality. Hope that clears it up.
I don't believe they consider any of us "fellow travelers" No matter where they are from they are universally hateful and dehumanizing. Basically the GOP platform!
Not just some. There were more Trump voters in California than just about any state other than Texas in 2020.
Surround by at least 6 million wing nuts. Super depressing!!
Well the other thing that's silly is that the areas which are most fire prone in CA are also where Trump voters are strongest. Another indication of how little regard Trump writers/pundits/etc. have for Trump voters.
Not a whole lot of non-flammable CA, but you are absolutely correct.