
The rare topic mira and I agree on- some jobs simply shouldnt exist and one of those is the job of CTO at Open AI
OpenAI CTO Mira Murati: “Some creative jobs maybe will go away, but maybe they shouldn't have been there in the first place if the content that comes out of it is not very high quality.”
Roundup: OpenAI says some artistic jobs shouldn’t Read to the end for a good overview of failing social media platforms
also fuckin hilarious that she thinks stuff that isnt of good quality maybe shouldnt exist so is she filing to have the company shut down or
More like Chief TURD Officer amirite *gets dragged off the stage by one of those wooden hook things from old cartoons"
I seen a few variations lately on “you know what jobs probably COULD be replaced by Ai? All the c-suite ones” … and I support this
Whoever chose that photo for the article is a living legend.
Jobs that shouldn't exist: the ones that have produced all the raw material for my company doesn't seem like a very reasonable position.
Do you think she’s a real CTO or a glorified project leader? With Altman there, I think it’s the latter
If she's the real CTO then she is mega useless at a really basic part of the job and shouldnt be there and if she is not this is disguised unemployment and she shouldnt be there, all roads lead to wisdom