
lets be honest, the toughest SOB holding a US passport is Jimmy Carter and it isn't close to close, one of the few people in history who went into a nuclear reactor came back out and nothing at all happened and now dude has lasted over a year in hospice, literal brain cancer cannot beat this guy
If you told me tomorrow that the polio vaccine is just Jimmy Carter's blood I would believe you
They told Jimmy Carter that by going into that reactor his reproductive system would be affected and he would never have kids. He has 4
Time limited exposure to radiation is one of those weird things where you kind of have to trust the math on it, even though it fights intuition. From looking at it just there, he spent 90 seconds in there and was tasked with turning a screw. Surprised I hadn't heard this about him before.
radiation is fucking bizarre, I have spent way way way too many hours of my life studying poisoning cases and the only thing I am sure of there are doses at which you are super screwed and below that all bets are off. Theres a guy who put his hand in an accelerator and lived to tell the tale
A guy who put his head in the beam finished his PhD after!