
Banksy is remarkable and I don't mean art or even this, but the guy/gal/person has legit just stayed anon after decades in the public eye in an age where every clown with a phone cam is out trying to Sherlock their day away, genuinely just remarkable to manage.
I want you to say the sentence "I live in the 21st century and there has been a public figure doing public things for nearly 20 years who constantly makes news and we have literally no idea about anything at all about them" and think about what you just said
Banksy is the kinda figure I'd have loved to get deep into and spend weeks researching except doing any of that kinda defeats whats so interesting about the figure in the first place, master pysch job
My two favorites are the shredding of the auction piece and the random hand out of a work to a kid on the underground. Planned and public actions out in sight, still unknown.
The shredding was brilliant and I also liked how he sold original signed artwork for $60 a pop on a NYC sidewalk
the street sales are interesting but the shredding is a surface level commentary on art world market dynamics and not all that profound only increased its value and no collectors or private equity firms were hurt in creation of that work
as as act of pettiness it is art though
its also better viewed as a statement on capitalism than art value. You have the investor class who expect to get whatever they want because of their wallet whenever they want and and he gathered them in a place to publicly be told No. Profundity is not the only metric that we need use here.
he didn't tell them no though its pandering to the wealthy the piece got its buyer a bunch of clout and money give me jens hanning and maurizio Catalan for debasing art collectors expectations heck even NFTs explore fame/image/access/value in more historically interesting and egalitarian context
its art sure but is it really petty persay to meticulously plan a theatre piece on financial speculation in an auction house for celebrity millionaires original buyer resold piece for 25 million bucks shredded banksy is just winking at auction houses and fame real banksy is best in the streets
Obviously the shredding stunt made the piece more valuable but the video of everyone being shocked as it started to get destroyed after final bidding was worth it. I’m not sure what you mean by “not that profound” but it was a unique event, it doesn’t need to say anything
people really are blocking on here because of things like not liking banksy and thats just about the funniest thing I can imagine almost as funny as the block for saying twee music is sexy go to an art school critique before being defensive about different art tastes people
Umm I’m not blocking anyone and don’t care if people don’t like Banksy?
I did. Not down with folks who come into a thread of “this was a favorite” and proceed to “aktually” and piss all over enjoyment. Just a personal preference of mine, right now.
My blocks range from "you legit seem like a miserable ass who should never interact with other people" to "I'm having a bad day and find you annoying" and everything in between. So I always laugh when I see people commenting on why (they think) they were blocked.
its not you its whoever the comment above yours is sorry it seems like a block is maybe overreacting for art opinions but some people are apparently really passionate about banksy ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I would post it in front of my toilet, so it would get the most views.
The shredded auction piece actually went up in value.
I liked the shredding thing except for one thing; it clearly stopped half way through purposely so that the work stayed in one piece. It would have been much better if it actually shredded the whole thing
Banksy made a theme park! This is the kinda conspiracy cabal shit I WANT. Secret artists and philanthropists who just do cool shit for the world and want nothing from the world.