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Not all about cats but pretty close
Not interested in crypto or NFTs or AI AT ALL. It’s all stupid and there’s no actual business case
PNW dweller
Has a perfectly acceptable face
Next 4th of July I’m getting put in a medically induced coma, I can’t take this
Anyhoo, how did RFK Jr. do in his debate?
“Something snapped in you the last time you lost” We needed this Biden from the jump
Trump is just Gish galloping on steroids and the moderators aren’t stopping him
Trump has figured out that he doesn’t even have to pretend to answer the questions
It’s hard to exaggerate what a juggernaut Thriller was. Longest music video ever, directed by John Landis, narrated by Vincent Price. The media landscape is too fragmented now to produce a phenomenon like that again
It's not close to the same. Michael choosing Pepsi was news for months worldwide. And that was WITHOUT social media. He had his own 3D movie at Disney parks. He had two different video games that had nothing to do with music. It was nuts.
I had chronic nightmares as a child and would wake everyone up with ear-piercing shrieks. My older siblings said the worst part is I would then describe them like “giant spiders were coming up the stairs and they went to your bed first, I couldn’t stop them” then they couldn’t fall back asleep
please tell me more of your demon child stories these are giving me life rn
Someone needs to make stickers of this to put on all the Cecil B DeMille Ten Commandments to be put in public classrooms
Vincent Price in a publicity portrait for The Ten Commandments (1956)
Kinda think this would work considering a bunch of people just figured out what The Boys is about in the year of our lord 2024
telling conservatives lgbtq stands for let's go brandon thanks q or some shit
They have some Big Brain ideas about polling
“In a new editorial, a group of policy and computer science scholars from Harvard's Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation insist that the already-unreliable system of polling can only be enhanced by asking AI chatbots poll questions instead of humans.”
Harvard Scholars Suggest Pollsters Ask Questions to AI Simulations of Voters Because Real People Won't Answer The With just a fraction of people responding to political polls, Harvard experts are suggesting that pollsters "call" AI chatbots instead.
Ok I just watched S4Ep2 of The Boys… is THIS the one that made it click with people who are now upset? (Trying to avoid spoilers)
The people who don’t get the point of The Boys until you sit them down and explain it very slowly are the same people most excited that they’ll “be able to create art” with AI
Of fucking course
Landlords use RealPage to jack up rents, often with the majority of units in a city using the software, allowing it to raise rents in unison - leading to FBI raids and a criminal investigation Turns out RealPage is the brain-child of Harlan Crow, most famous for taking Clarence Thomas on vacations
FBI raid on real estate company linked to Harlan Crow's RealPage rental price A tip of the hat to David Cay Johnston, who opened his interview on the Mark Thompson Show yesterday by noting a story that, so far as I can tell at this time, has been completely blacked out of the n...
Reposted byAvatar CatFrat
Every day, I read the stupidest thing I've ever heard, and it is always immediately topped the very next day
Reposted byAvatar CatFrat
Keep saying it loud and often: generative "AI" is not intelligent, it is riddled with inescapable errors, it is structurally incapable of ever doing half the things its hypers claim it will do, most of it is snake oil in search of a mark to scam, and it's environmentally destructive to boot.
Counterpoint: I already know what’s in my brain, I want to experience what’s going n someone else’s brain
“AI will replace movies. I can make my own version of Star Wars where I’m the hero and Obi-Wan doesn’t die.” The problem is we’ve allowed a society where adult men can say things like this without being shunned from the village to starve as a pitiful outcast.
Dear people walking on the sidewalk when I’m on the side porch: I should NOT be able to smell your cologne, I’m 15 feet away
Reposted byAvatar CatFrat
one of the funniest things about this statement is that Alito implies that just going outside and taking the flag down himself would be illegal
Some real bangers in here
Men in law enforcement, the military, or the security sector aren’t that good at listening when you tell them stop
All right, y’all know what to do
Look, this is good, actually, because this result comes from a single (A SINGLE) joke reddit post Which means you can completely break their stupid AI with even mild shitposting, and I just think that's beautiful the source:
Super helpful information, thank you Google!
Google AI Search is great! 🤠
Some said it couldn’t be done. Some said it SHOULDN’T be done (ok, my husband said that). Behold, the rose waterfall! #gardening
So I’m ahead of schedule in making marinara sauce (yay me!) and remembered this New York Post article calling Gen Z “germaphobes” because they wash their hands 10+ times daily and my response was eww, you DON’T?
I can’t stop thinking about “this is a perfectly acceptable face”. This is the Mona Lisa but we can slot any old face in there. This is Beethoven’s 9th Symphony but we can replace any old cadence in there. This is The Great Gatsby but we can replace any old sentence in there, lol nothing matters
“if you'd never seen the Mona Lisa before this is a perfectly acceptable face. Countless others are possible.” Umm, ok?
Reposted byAvatar CatFrat
I sent this message to the UMass administration yesterday: "I was looking forward to speaking next week at UMass Amherst. I visited two years ago and everyone was awesome. My nephew graduated from there and got a great education. But calling the cops on peaceful protesters is a shameful act...” 1/2
I love this so much, both the confidence in proclaiming that it was “like, the first polarizing thing” and the unquestioning of why the suffix would be “-gate”
I love these guys. The most amazing brains
Watching the iPad ad made me immediately think that Apple is an extremely hierarchical top-down organization and that dissent from those who aren’t at the top is either discouraged or punished
i find it hard to believe that the team that created the iPad ad is just that out of touch. *some* person must have noticed it felt off i'm interested in the organizational angle — what friction in the process prevented change or from differing opinions from being heard, to allow this ad to happen?
Just today I’ve seen AI use cases of authenticating Monets on eBay, making pictures of celebrities as Shrek, and creating emojis. Truly something businesses and individuals will incorporate into their daily lives. Make sure you get onto the ground floor on this folks
I don't think you need AI to authenticate a Monet painting for sale on Ebay
It’s funny, I’ve basically been thinking of Truth Social to be Trump’s blog and have never even thought that there could be other users other than guys who are excited they have the most liked comment on Trump’s latest diary entry
It occurs to me that I’ve seen plenty of Truth Social screenshots of Trump posts and literally not a single screenshot of any other person’s post