
Imagine the strength it took for her to take that leap in 1968! Really humbling to think about.
Also that in 56 years we really haven't progressed in regards to the acceptance of trans people in this country. Kind of radicalizing to think about.
But if you look to Sophie Wilson (also a transwoman who was a pioneer in chip design), she’s a Fellow of the Royal Society, a CBE, an honorary fellow of Selwyn College, Cambridge, and a Distinguished Fellow of the British Computer Society. It’s just a shame Britain has become TERF Island now.
Bigotry is cyclical, unfortunately.
She was an absolute legend and I hope memory of her outlives the memory of Ea Nassir.
the wiring for her chips definitely wasn't made of inferior grade copper, that's for sure
Ea-Nasir (also Natzir in transliteration) was a copper merchant in ancient Mesopotamia around 3800 years ago whose name has been preserved in what may be the oldest customer complaints known to survive, complaining about Ea-Nasir selling shitty copper. Here's a meme:
Bamboozled by Ea-Nasir (My Favorite Things) what's up, normally I put more effort into my videos but this meme has a shelf life and i WILL NOT miss it completely even if it's already slightly stale Ea-Nasir's voice provided by the ever-lovely Calvin from my discord uwu Comic source:
He's an inspiration to everycon man (capitalist) for the last 6,000 years. We do not know if he himself saved all the complaints of his fake copper ingotsor if Sumerian officials were investigating his trade. Either way, "the more things change the more they stay the same"
That's actually worse than I imagined.
"you'll never get fired for choosing IBM" ( except as your boss ) My dad was an SSE for Amdahl so he had a lot of contact with IBM customers and reps as a competitor and from the stories he told I got the distinct feeling that the whole company was a bit sleazy and underhanded to put it mildly.
Lynn was just one of a lot of good people that got driven away from there by the toxic culture, but her light couldn't be crushed by going up against the corporate machine because it was too bright.
"nooooo! Transgender is an entirely new bad thing! Trans didn't exist before tiktok Noooooo!!" - some terf probably