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Service Designer attempting to be & stay human.

I like to rant about things.

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the meaninglessness of life always catches up to me
If you see this post a photo without explanation.
If you see this post a photo without explanation.
I’ve been interviewing a lot lately but find myself saying all the wrong things, I think my burn out has caught up to me
it’s a frustrating time. feels like everything I do or say is wrong
Reposted byAvatar Nataly
The words of one of the Palestinians who were shot in Vermont
Reposted byAvatar Nataly
September 30 is Orange Shirt Day, also known as the National Day of Truth and Reconciliation, in Canada. today is a reminder to not only educate ourselves on the horrors of the past, but to listen to and uplift our indigenous friends and neighbours and their communities in the present. / continued 👇
One of the best pistachio cakes of all time, Delysées should win every pistachio cake competition cause wow.
My new year started off with me getting a very bad cold, I stayed in bed for 2 days lol! Those days don’t count. My year begins today!
I’m officially one year to thirty. Undoubtedly late 20s. Losing my 20s completely in one year. I still haven’t done all the things that I thought I’d do by now. Wow, 30-1. Weird.
Savoury pastries >>>>
My building decided to introduce using fobs that only work going to your floor, gym, and ground floor. But what if I have friends in the building? Am I not allowed to freely visit them? Why are apartment buildings becoming isolation prisons
Tbh I really do want to end up in a space where fun is prioritized; I think the last few years of doom, gloom and general isolation has taken a toll. I want to be in game design. It REALLY looks fun.
I’m testing a new title & description on LinkedIn to see if I could stand out. I’m not sure about the standing out, but people who do end up interacting with it seem pleasantly surprised by it? I do feel a bit cringe but I’m committing to the bit, I gotta
the worst feeling is getting your motivation completely depleted by people around you lol.
does anyone else feel weird about Don Norman being called the “father of ux”? I get the founder, I get inventor, but father??? not sure why it feels off haha
The gap between being a UX Researcher and Product Owner is not clear where I work. I notice myself providing strategic direction, details work plans and tasks, providing alignment on users, tasks, goals, business value, etc.. a PO are expected to be the decision makers on top of it.
What do you do when the people around you start spewing alt-right talking points? It’s kind of scary.
Advertising & marketing has has a massive impact on the world we live today, and although there’s an over saturation of ads, they are still impactful. Today the art of ads looks a bit different, like relatable influencers on TikTok selling a product for example. But I’m fascinated about print ads.
I am envious of people who did not become UX designers right away, and had the chance to be illustrators, graphic designers, painters, professional artists. But especially of people who worked in advertisement and print. I think their knowledge of psychology, colour, behaviour, etc is unparalleled.
I feel like I skipped all the steps and jumped straight to the abstract. Designing systems, designing for intersectionality, designing for social change before even knowing how to build something I can touch / see
Reposted byAvatar Nataly
My number one advice to try and avoid long covid is, if at all possible, until you are free from the virus BE A POTATO. Don't do any more excercise or movement then a potato would do. And that includes mental work/stress. Just sit and potato.
So many folks are sick again so I share this with love: you must rest. Rest won’t guarantee you don’t get long covid but it’s a huge mitigator. Even if you have an accute mild case. Even if you don’t feel it at all. Send this to your boss. Make your partner clean or use disposable dishes etc.
Why You Should Rest—a Lot—If You Have It could help prevent Long COVID
I found that when applying for service design roles in private sector, 99% of the time it was mostly focused on the digital touch point and not the entire end to end, backend and front end experience - threw me off a bit
intuition is the act of doing the thing over and over until it is imprinted and then natural. Intuition can be taught. Best practices are based on social interaction with devices that became intuitive, but if you can find a better way, then that will be the new standard. Don’t stop Innovation 🙏🏼
Reposted byAvatar Nataly
Blue Jay Rules: Do everything in life with maximum gusto! 🪶
Reposted byAvatar Nataly
Good morning bluesky ☀️
The problem is definitely me… after years of burnout, I’m in my cynicism stage. I dream of my positive self, but I am no longer her. I either have to reimagine my environment or self sabotage like I’ve been doing all year