Nate Wolff

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Nate Wolff

I invented reuben pizza and was the first guy to notice the -Dick jokes in Moby-Dick. Because of this they made me a professor. I wrote a book about Gilded Age literature:
Interested in hanging out with, myself, & other kewl C19 scholars in October. We have a couple slots remaining for my favorite event on CMTS calendar. A small, chatty group sharing work & living well at Quarry Farm during leaf-peeping season. DM me if you're interested!
2024 Quarry Farm Symposium – “Gilded Ages” 2024 Quarry Farm Symposium on “Gilded Ages: Humor, Literature, and Society” Oct 11 and Oct 12, 2024 Elmira, New York “The Condition of the Laboring Man at Pullman” Chicago Labor (July 7…
Jesus’s 3 days in the tomb and his resurrection was typologically prefigured by Jonah’s 3 days in and escape from the belly of a whale, so Easter is a great day to meditate on the inscrutable malice of a specific fish.
Any fav writing on Anna Burns' MILKMAN?
saw you across the ferry and really dig your vibe
roses are red some whales are white if you can't find true love may I recommend spite
❌ I’m in a slough of despond ✅ I’m in a freshwater marsh of sadness
I know it’s an A but am I wrong or is this B serving C?
Attn this claim has gone unchallenged so I believe by the power invested in me by jurgen habermas it is now a discursive norm.
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publication day! with ginormous thanks to all the inspirers and conspirers, and pre-orderers! let the wild rumpus start!
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This book is so good I can no longer remember how the contemporary looked to me without it. Happy long-awaited publication day to
defined the jeremiad in class today as "check yourself before you wreck yourself" and I mean
Anybody have good teachable reading recs on (deploying/endorsing or critiquing) a concept like eco-anxiety, climate grief, solastalgia etc. ? I already have this on syllabus which is smart about individualizing logic of this thematic in contemporary climate lit:
Personal The Climate Anxiety Novel
smashed potatoes with jalapeño and blue cheese not helping me beat in-the-pocket-of-big-Air-Fryer allegations.
Back to the ol’ emotional support pizza winter standby: pepperoni & jalapeño with hot honey and everything bagel crust
✨"Emotion & American Lit" syllabus draft reveal ✨ What's missing? Would love Ngai on "tone" but hard to squeeze in Confidence Man. Schuller's intro maybe better than ch 4 with Zitkala-Sa? Yes, this draft is sadly short on the aesthetics and politics of fish hating.
Ok some of this is just mean.
MLA2024 let’s gooooo!!! where’s my quiet hive at??? Can I get some polite voiceless gestures going in the chat
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Why poets should go to MLA
Weather concepts I first learned because of MLA conferences: -thundersnow -bomb cyclone -atmospheric river
Weather concepts I first learned because of MLA conferences: -thundersnow -bomb cyclone -atmospheric river
This xmas, now that gifts are opened, take time to reflect on the monomaniacal rage that sustains you.
Seeing these up in the neighborhood again. Sorry karens but you cannot stop me, your children *will* read Moby-Dick; or, The Whale (1851) by noted US author Herman Melville
Not sure what everyone is complaining about - I think this movie looks awesome.
On family feud the question was what would a bad tooth fairy leave under your pillow? and a not insignificant number of respondents said “another tooth.” This is too fucked up to think about.
2 is where I skeet from
IMINT #104 from NROL-129 (L CLEARANCE) 1. House of Recursion 2. Ziggurat of Woke Mind Viruses 3. Stone Duct Tape
what am I looking at here
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For and Apparently the Army Signal Corps built a truck-sized computer and called it MOBIDIC.
Well, my last Melville class wasn't great. Students walked out when I said Ahab was "monomania-coded" and totally "revenge pilled"
ok, past version of myself -- you have screwed me at every turn this semester. but my old notes for tomorrow's class material are fine actually.
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Tomorrow!!! 😁😁😁
In just a few weeks, I’ll be giving a two-session course on Nella Larsen at 92nd Street Y (! They happen on Dec. 5th and 12th. You should join. It’ll be fun. xx
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I’d strike the sun if it insulted me!