
So my take on this is that a LOT (not all) of "Biden shouldn't run for a second term"/"Biden should drop out" is Shadow boxing around 2028.
And that their brokered convention scenario is an Aaron Sorkin-esque fantasy because most of them are unwilling to get behind Harris. (And since most of them are unwilling to get behind Harris *now*, they're signaling they can't be relied on to boost her if she is the nominee.)
Harris is a new generation of politician but she has Biden-esque favorables. Dems would arguably be better off with a popular purple state governor (Whitmer, Shapiro, Evers, Polis, Beshear).
For the record my opinion is 1. No evidence Biden should drop out at the moment. 2. IF he does, Harris is the clear replacement. 3. TODAY I'd rather have not Harris but maybe her favorables change.
Or Mayo Pete but I assume his plan is to run for Governor.