
Before the debate, I thought this was a silly question. Even in the hours after the debate, I thought the plan was straightforward. The Biden campaign _response_ to the debate has convinced me I was wrong, so I’m eating crow here. I think Biden needs to step aside and let Harris run.
I think it's very unlikely. The question remains. What is the strategy if the first debate performance goes very poorly for Biden. Is there an actual plan you'd support if his support craters after the first debate?
Specifically the fact that the campaign hasn’t done the ONE thing they need to do. Put Biden out in front of people. Do an interview, do a town hall, have Biden interacting live. We’re T+5, and we still have to wait 3 more days before he does a single interview?
I’m convinced that Biden’s campaign is either *deeply* incompetent, or that Biden simply *can’t* do it. If he can’t do it, he needs to resign. If he decided not to do it, he needs to step down from the campaign. Time to let Harris step up.
Last night's extremely short speech was not reassuring enough, IMO.
I think the speech itself was fine. It was a good response to the court case, and did most of what I wanted. But he didn’t take questions, so I don’t count it as a live Q&A
I think it’s okay to not take questions at that event, but only in the world where he’s doing a bunch of other events and taking questions.