
It's amazing how fast these folks go from "sincere question" to melting down over someone asking *them* a sincere question.
Yeah, you got me. I'm a fraud, a troll. What is with you people? No one can ask a sincere question of someone they think has more knowledge than they do, whose opinion they respect, without being called a troll?
What question did I not answer?
Christ you're either so stupid it hurts or so obtuse that you're confirming you're trolling.
Just because I fear you're actually this stupid, these are not *technically* questions, but they are requests for information that you then melted down and didn't answer.
I didn't melt down at all. You might not know what melt down means. But since I'm getting attacked for no reason by the Sincerity Police, I said elsewhere that I'd love someone like Michael Bennet
So then why did you respond otherwise when this response would have sufficed?
People might be inclined to get upset when they've been accused multiple times of being something they aren't. Not everyone is an online warrior. Normies catch strays on here.
Their trolling responses seem to indicate otherwise.
I have seen nothing from this guy that indicates trolling. You just disagree with him. Trolling implies bad faith.
Except literally multiple posts that I have cited.
They aren't trolling unless you think it's trolling to even suggest wanting to replace Biden. It isn't! Lots of sincere people want this.
Anyone talking about replacing Biden on the ticket in June 2024, is either coming from a place of incredible political naivete, or is acting in bad faith. Idk which Jerry is.
I think it's only "incredible political naivete" among our very small set of hyper-engaged partisans. I think it's pretty common outside of that.
Do you think Biden is going to be an incoherent mess in the debate? That's the scenario Jerome was floating, along with concerns over frailty that probably came from watching 10 second clips generated by right wingers.
No, not necessarily. I think he could have a bad debate if he forgets a name or misspeaks at a critical moment, though, which will (sadly) get much more emphasis in the media than Trump's ramblings. If support craters after the debate, he should at least consider stepping aside as an option.
stepping aside? and replaced by who?
As I said elsewhere, he could let Harris take the helm. Maybe she'd get a bit of a honeymoon period.
That's a fantasy, you understand that, right?
I think it's very unlikely. The question remains. What is the strategy if the first debate performance goes very poorly for Biden. Is there an actual plan you'd support if his support craters after the first debate?
“What is the strategy if the first debate performance goes very poorly for Biden” It’s “don’t have a poor debate”. Then it’s “spin the poor debate as being good actually”. The its “hope the next debate is better”. Same as literally every Presidential election since TV debates began
I don’t understand this level of pants-wetting. It was like this in the run up to the SOTU too. “What if Biden can’t get through the SOTU?” All candidates can have a bad debate. That’s how politics goes.
That's at least an answer as opposed to scolding people for asking the question, so it’s appreciated.
So, the one thing I’ll say is step 2 “spin the debate as being good actually” and “asking how to get rid of the candidate” are polar opposites, and if you asked me on the best strategy to lose the election I’d say “ask loudly how to replace the candidate”
Which is not to scold someone for asking, but I can understand where the tendency comes from. Asking the question loudly and repeatedly damages Biden and makes Trump more likely to be President, so, I’d strongly encourage people to, like, not do it
If it could lead to a candidate change, then I’d be more receptive to it. But it can’t. There’s just no mechanism for it. We’re in the dance with the candidate we’ve got. So, in my mind asking the question cannot lead to a productive outcome, and damages Biden.
Wasn't the conventional wisdom that Obama's first debate against Romney went terribly?
…it was good actually! …and I hope the next one is better
And, make sure you know who's doing his makeup!
What speech has Biden given that indicates it would go poorly?
It really depends on what the media latches onto. You don't want another Mexico/Egypt gaffe. But Trump also doesn't want a shark/electric battery moment. Which one can avoid gaffes best will win, but it's hard to say what will go viral on social media ahead of time.
I'm...sorry, do you actually think those are comparable? Genuinely?
I personally don't. I have to accept that many people in my everyday life do. I know you're going to call it "anecdata." Still, I definitely knew some teachers I work with (liberals! voted for Biden!) who totally bought the headlines that Biden thought Mexico bordered Gaza, and I had to debunk that.
And so if you know the media environment is more hostile to Biden than Trump, then he has to perform that much better. And I don't know if he can perform *so well* that he can overcome the handicap the media is giving him.
I think we can hold the media accountable instead of concern trolling.
Biden basically needs a flawless outing to avoid the media dogpiling him.
Neat to see how far our epistemic demise has gone.
Asking people to take seriously a hypothetical that is extremely unlikely to happen is very dumb, and you should be embarrassed to be doing it. But the answer to the question is that you still ride with Biden because it doesn't actually matter very much how he performs at a debate.
"You should be embarrassed." No, I shouldn't be. If we were talking in person, would you say that to me? And if not, why not? Why is this heated rhetoric acceptable online when we'd never talk like this in real life?
We went through this hand wringing with the 2020 debates & it went fine. Unless someone has a stroke on stage, it's unlikely to get much attention outside political nerds like us & won't be a major factor in how voting goes in November.
Fetterman was obviously impaired in _his_ debate, much more than I think Biden is likely to be, and still won.
Well obviously you don't see why your question is embarrassing, because you asked it. But for anyone who follows the candidates you may has well have asked "what if Biden dies on stage." Or "what if Trump gets on stage and admits to being an alien from Mars." It is both stupid *and also* boring.
And to your second question, in person, I feel pretty confident you'd ask less stupid questions so I wouldn't have to call them stupid questions.
Like, sitting in a bar with your buddies and someone goes "ok, but what if Biden does suck?" Is fine, whatever. But then when someone says "but he doesn't suck in any of his appearances now?" that should be the end of the discussion. You shouldn't keep pushing it. It's a silly exercise.
You must not talk to many people about politics in real life if you aren't hearing folks voice concerns about Biden’s age. And if you call them stupid in person, I can't imagine you're terribly persuasive at ameliorating their concerns.
If it's clearly working backwards from the conclusion of "Biden must drop out", it's fair to push back.
"concerns about Bidens age" are absolutely nothing like "what if he tanks the debate?" And conflating the two is ridiculous. These are not even close to the same conversation. Are people concerned Biden may be on the downward slope? Absolutely. That's not what we're talking about though.
For the same reason the other dude called me insane but you haven't pushed back against that in any way.
It's very obvious which side you're willing to give endless grace to and which side you're coming down hard on.
Yeah, because I followed the conversation from the start and think you are basically polarizing a normie *away* from you instead of actually persuading one.