
I will say for the people panicking. A lot of them know the stakes of this election and were hoping for a slam-dunk to quell their fears. But the flames are being fanned by a lot of bad-faith actors who relish in the "dems in disarray" narrative. I mean, no shit people are on edge right now!
anyway I can’t think of any way that unceremoniously ejecting the incumbent Dem president from the ticket, four months before the election, with no agreement on a successor, no process to pick one, and most people pushing the idea assuming it WON’T be the vice presidents, could possibly backfire
But the panicking does not serve a concrete purpose other than to vent personal anxiety. The primary happened. The people picked Joe. I picked Joe! And if anything, after J6 we should all know that throwing out the will of the people makes you the bad guy!