
anyway I can’t think of any way that unceremoniously ejecting the incumbent Dem president from the ticket, four months before the election, with no agreement on a successor, no process to pick one, and most people pushing the idea assuming it WON’T be the vice presidents, could possibly backfire
I actually feel like I’ve lost my mind here: does it strike anyone this might be a severe overreaction to the very old president looking very old during literally the first half hour of one debate?
Like the proposal is just “blow up the entire party” with everyone assuming their person will magically emerge from the chaos ready to beat Trump, but it seems like a more likely outcome is total meltdown and Trump winning
yes the case for “someone other than Biden” is pretty strong (it has been for years, by the way, the people currently panicking were just asleep to it). but THERE’S A LOT MORE TO IT THAN THAT, because how do you make it happen??
basically it feels like the commentariat is composed of children who never seem to consider that politics is made up of many hard decisions and now, confronting the fact that maybe they made the wrong one, are throwing a tantrum and insisting the world instantly manifest their whims.
sorry, it doesn’t work like that. you walked us pretty far down this road and now we have to make decisions with that reality in mind. there are four months to go.
This is what I don't understand from them. By changing this late the Dems are basically throwing in the towel. "That guy we've hyped for years? Turns out we were wrong." That's campaign ending. Are they that dumb or just really hoping for a GOP win?
This was his response to the all-important abortion question. No we are not overreacting.
Jan-Mar 2020, a generation of Black primary voters made this decision. We don't hear from a single one of them that *they're* panicked. The elite whiners who lack object permanence, & don't see that whoever 'a failed Biden' is replaced with will be the next target of lies, are another group entirely
Even if they are merely chasing the new bright shiny, it's not helping democracy. Thanks for posting all these good thoughts about the situation.
There's this thing called the DNC and they actually pick the candidate and that's six weeks away. The French parties had a snap election called and alliances formed with leading candidates within a couple of weeks. Why can't the Democrats do the same?
Even here in the UK the Reform Party is polling stronger than ever before and they replaced their leader in the first couple of weeks of the campaign. Hell, if Biden died tomorrow the DNC would have to come together and agree on who would be the nominee anyway so why not do that?
Hey man. France is a different country with a different culture and different expectations and societal understanding of what elections are. Hope that helps!
Just because Americans believe in American Exceptionalism, it doesn't make it so. Again, if Biden died they would need to replace him so why can't they get together and agree on a single person to replace him in the next 6 weeks before the convention? Hell, put Beto on the ticket.
First step: hook up with the underpants gnomes Second step: ????? Third step: profit!
There is no world where disengaged voters see a Biden resignation as anything other than an admission of failure. It's not complicated
My theory is that everyone knows the Republicans should have kicked Trump off the ticket but it didn't happen and the media was too cowardly to push for it, so this thwarted desire has been displaced onto wanting the Democrats to turn on Biden instead
People need to get their heads sorted out and accept the reality that they only have two choices- Biden or Trump. The rest of the world shouldn't suffer for their smugness. Also, if Biden did get sick or had to step down later on, Harris is *right there* and has been Vice President.
The thing is, Trump isn't getting kicked off the ticket because he's an accurate representative of who the Republican voting base have always been behind closed doors. He gets away with the shit they wish they could get away with. The worse he is, the more they love him.
Exactly. It's like people have a death wish.
This proposal seems to be pushed hardest from the "Comey: Hillary's Emails" NYT.
Like, yeah our situation is shit. Options are shit. We need a ground-up rebuild of our entire electoral system. But blowing up one party & allowing the fascists to take over as a result is just accelerationist horseshit. Many many people will suffer and die and there still won't be a path to success
panicking in a 50/50 contest 4 months away is some loser-ass shit quit listening to losers if something happens to biden then we have harris, it's actually very simple and working as designed!
I'd actually be pretty pissed off if they picked someone completely new this close to election day without holding an entire primary election somehow. Cutting the people's voice out of the decision entirely might as well just be a white flag.
Exactly. Can't complain about Harlan Crow and Leo being lords of the universe because they have Supreme Court Justices in their pockets, then turn around and say it's okay for some Dem super-donor to decide who the next President is.
Rejecting democracy is bad. J6 or whatever *this* is tryin’ a be.
it feels like a very intense and predetermined reaction by one specific but powerful news organization. The rest feels like a normalish reaction to a bad debate.
The sheer size, scope, and volume of punditry pants-shitting is a tad surprising.
The noise-level of the pants-shitting was extraordinary as well.
It's this weird form of mass hysteria among the pundits. Even people I normally think of as being rational and non-horse race-y are getting into it. All for a debate no one will remember in a couple of weeks. It's so bloody strange.
Nobody who studies how voters make choices once they’re in the “booth” wants to replace an incumbent POTUS with an unpopular or unknown substitute with no war chest 16 weeks before the election to oppose a *former* president. It’s such a bad idea in every way, it’s practically art.
It doesn’t make sense for a president with a successful domestic policy record and a strong economy to resign because his vocal chords are weak. The sinking feeling in the chest of “what if trumps winning?” from the debate is painful but panicking is cowardly, we’ve all got to row oars together
A very old man WITH A COLD. They're not making a huge deal of it, I suppose because it would sound like excuse-making, but it was pretty obvious. And then given the burden of both fact checking a 'Gish Gallop' of lies and responding to the questions as well... His record in office matters more.
For me, I see a lot of people who were very uninspired for Biden from the get-go being totally uninspired and loud now. Seriously - anyone I know who was behind him before is behind him now (maybe even more so), but the naysayers are yelling louder (and know someone at NYT?).
I'm not feeling as if I'm losing my mind, but I'm feeling as if the number of people whose judgment I can trust is severely limited. With the obvious exception of Jamelle Bouie.
I'll give Matt Yglesias half a point for at least making the "at this point Kamala Harris would be better" argument rather than "the Democratic party can be saved by someone magically persuading a bunch of Biden/Harris delegates to vote for Gavin Newsom."
No it's at least 50% angst about daily unique Wordle players and interest in a contested convention to juice the NYT subscriber count.
Yes. It absolutely does strike me as that. And a stupid overreaction at that.
Two separate moving parts to this: 1. No, it wasn't just him looking old during the first 30 minutes. He completely forgot what he was doing multiple times. It was exactly as bad as it looked like. 2. It might not necessarily be that removing him will help any more than keeping him in place.
A Biden-Harris ticket is clearly a worse option than a Harris-somebody else ticket. Anyone who watched that debate should agree.
Also, are any of the people calling on him to step down *not* white men?
White men gave us Trump in the first place! White men are the only reason he's a contender. ("Not *all* white men", don't @ me)
Like, holy crap, doesn't anyone remember his 1988 run? It was disastrous and he dropped out and we got Dukakis.
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