
When walking that stretch of 8th (often), I love the new NYC pedestrian lane. The meanderthal tourists use the sidewalk, we use the new lane, and you can get to the theater or whatever so much faster. When driving there (rarely), I hate it.
I have to walk up and down 8th as part of my commute. The pedestrian lane is a life saver. Eric Adams is the worst.
I work in that neighborhood and having a “pedestrian highway” that tourists don’t really use is a godsend. If they want to do something, have Police crack down on blocking the box.
If double parking's the problem, boy do I have an idea <>
The theater owners are the ones telling the mayor that they want more traffic lanes, and they are also the ones telling the Governor that congestion pricing is bad (she mentioned theaters in her "explanation" of the pause). Nobody should listen to them.
God damn it, these make my life so much easier - especially with the ever-present sidewalk sheds